Kananga (Kasaï-Occidental) Map Cropping Samples

Kananga (Kasaï-Occidental) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kananga (Kasaï-Occidental) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kananga neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kananga with 3D shadow effect

Kananga map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kananga (geojson format) :
Kananga.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kananga map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kananga Map : ( -6.04372854538 , 22.2465106897 , -5.74810792367 , 22.684011427 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kananga map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-6.04372854538, 22.2465106897, -5.74810792367, 22.684011427);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kananga)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kananga
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Bakazika | -5.946940 , 22.351110 |
Biosha | -5.868510 , 22.387650 |
Bomba-Kalende | -5.888560 , 22.487440 |
Dumbi-Mundadi | -5.948200 , 22.585800 |
Kabalele | -5.843060 , 22.362500 |
Kabasele-Pania | -5.886380 , 22.488770 |
Kabemba | -5.927720 , 22.587790 |
Kabeya | -5.934270 , 22.357380 |
Kabitangu | -5.955040 , 22.578340 |
Kabitshi | -5.827360 , 22.451130 |
Kabongo-Mumpempe | -5.927650 , 22.478610 |
Kabunda-Ngoji | -5.966970 , 22.546570 |
Kabuya | -5.823780 , 22.457760 |
Kakota | -5.935280 , 22.382220 |
Kalala-Matu | -5.971090 , 22.465710 |
Kalonji-Tshikunga | -5.814890 , 22.597640 |
Kambaie | -5.859280 , 22.382940 |
Kambala | -5.853460 , 22.380820 |
Kananga | -5.901278 , 22.427957 |
Kande wa-Mbala | -5.890250 , 22.467530 |
Kaniama | -5.835880 , 22.577040 |
Kaniuka | -5.879280 , 22.418600 |
Kankonde | -5.826450 , 22.357600 |
Kapuku | -5.909430 , 22.373780 |
Kapumbu | -5.864750 , 22.424900 |
Kasende | -5.919290 , 22.571620 |
Kashama | -5.974120 , 22.463780 |
Kashatuka | -5.806100 , 22.631920 |
Kashikula | -5.896100 , 22.380770 |
Kasonga | -5.915860 , 22.372850 |
Kasonga-Tambwe | -5.988410 , 22.461430 |
Katambakana | -5.973620 , 22.552860 |
Katende | -5.984170 , 22.443610 |
Katoka | -5.879840 , 22.435340 |
Katumanga | -5.985100 , 22.484350 |
Katumanga | -5.986670 , 22.503060 |
Kazadi-Nduba | -5.942990 , 22.453770 |
Luasamba | -5.921270 , 22.575450 |
Luboya-Nguvu | -5.897450 , 22.334090 |
Lubuiku | -5.974820 , 22.447700 |
Lumanisha | -6.004700 , 22.582240 |
Lumbaie | -5.969950 , 22.544090 |
Matadi-Parisis | -5.898680 , 22.376300 |
Mbaie | -5.915640 , 22.566190 |
Mbala-Kalonda | -5.893880 , 22.352460 |
Mitshi-Mitshi | -5.905750 , 22.558380 |
Mpala | -5.927220 , 22.359170 |
Muena-Mpala | -5.917910 , 22.372440 |
Mufombo | -5.877780 , 22.351670 |
Muhlaie | -5.875700 , 22.319420 |
Mukend-wa-Ditungadiabo | -5.904720 , 22.340000 |
Mukule | -5.789250 , 22.484120 |
Mulonda-Mbuji | -5.944960 , 22.382110 |
Muya-Bureau | -5.880960 , 22.498260 |
Muya-Mende | -5.893660 , 22.534840 |
Mwabi-Katende | -5.874710 , 22.502860 |
Mwamba-Mudimba | -5.967260 , 22.565240 |
Ngala-Kabongo | -5.852090 , 22.560290 |
Ngindu | -5.818060 , 22.581220 |
Ngoie-a-Lumbu | -5.844890 , 22.481580 |
Ntambwe-Kankonde | -5.847780 , 22.368020 |
Nzangula | -5.970550 , 22.450480 |
Saka | -5.989590 , 22.417880 |
Tambwa | -5.844650 , 22.364600 |
Tambwe Saint Bernard | -5.929110 , 22.479570 |
Tshanga Tshangz | -5.948270 , 22.479160 |
Tshiagola | -5.890440 , 22.367200 |
Tshibalabala | -5.968940 , 22.562760 |
Tshibalabala | -5.797650 , 22.641040 |
Tshibiaie | -5.978910 , 22.541040 |
Tshikaji | -5.954070 , 22.467720 |
Tshimanga | -5.810070 , 22.628310 |
Tshimanga | -5.861310 , 22.549600 |
Tshimbi | -5.929500 , 22.411440 |
Tshimpuki | -5.981770 , 22.519610 |
Tshimpuki | -5.931180 , 22.389210 |
Tshingula-Kabue | -5.894840 , 22.344360 |
Tshiniama | -5.998420 , 22.572650 |
Tshinsele | -5.803060 , 22.469170 |
Tshisungu | -5.987720 , 22.440140 |
Tshiswaka-Fwatatshi | -5.901670 , 22.318590 |
Tshitadi | -5.850900 , 22.438320 |
Tshitambala | -5.943570 , 22.479720 |
Tshitende | -5.898060 , 22.370000 |
Tshovo-Musongela | -5.834780 , 22.341770 |
Yampania | -5.960260 , 22.466170 |
- You can download geometry data for Kananga in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.