Le Haut-Saint-Laurent (Quebec) Map Cropping Samples

Le Haut-Saint-Laurent (Quebec) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Le Haut-Saint-Laurent with 3D shadow effect

Le Haut-Saint-Laurent map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Le Haut-Saint-Laurent (geojson format) :
Le Haut-Saint-Laurent.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Le Haut-Saint-Laurent map for "Google Maps" :
Le Haut-Saint-Laurent.txt
Bounding Box for Le Haut-Saint-Laurent Map : ( 44.991143 , -74.66124 , 45.218593 , -73.670635 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Le Haut-Saint-Laurent map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](44.991143, -74.66124, 45.218593, -73.670635);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Le Haut-Saint-Laurent)
rel["name"="Le Haut-Saint-Laurent"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Le Haut-Saint-Laurent"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Le Haut-Saint-Laurent
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Akwesasne Reserve No. 15 | 45.016550 , -74.575304 |
Allan's Corners | 45.160040 , -73.927660 |
Athelstan | 45.035880 , -74.177120 |
Aubrey | 45.143100 , -73.790990 |
Beaver Crossing | 45.016790 , -74.365950 |
Brooklet | 45.006990 , -74.047110 |
Bryson | 45.146990 , -73.931550 |
Cazaville | 45.086430 , -74.371010 |
Covey Hill | 45.018380 , -73.757370 |
Domaine-Chantigny | 45.118100 , -73.997940 |
Dorea | 45.005880 , -73.928210 |
Dundee | 45.021931 , -74.474151 |
Dundee Centre | 45.028930 , -74.427960 |
Elgin | 45.019585 , -74.232648 |
Franklin | 45.046818 , -73.900466 |
Franklin Centre | 45.037808 , -73.847866 |
Godmanchester | 45.080098 , -74.236901 |
Havelock | 45.036275 , -73.760394 |
Herdman | 45.026150 , -74.094890 |
Hinchinbrooke | 45.042889 , -74.090592 |
Howick | 45.188666 , -73.852038 |
Huntingdon | 45.087442 , -74.178655 |
Lee's Corner | 45.055320 , -74.335180 |
North Georgetown | 45.199480 , -73.864800 |
Ormstown | 45.114239 , -73.993523 |
Pointe-Biron | 45.175880 , -74.244900 |
Pointe-Lalonde | 45.175880 , -74.232120 |
Port Lewis | 45.170600 , -74.282680 |
Powerscourt | 45.006430 , -74.156840 |
Projet-Laplante | 45.018650 , -73.827650 |
Riverfield | 45.155040 , -73.812100 |
Rockburn | 45.021990 , -74.007390 |
Russeltown Flats | 45.066990 , -73.760980 |
Saint-Anicet | 45.111681 , -74.349311 |
Saint-Chrysostome | 45.111319 , -73.768571 |
Saint-Pierre | 45.122540 , -73.899050 |
Sainte-Agnes | 45.016790 , -74.399250 |
Sainte-Barbe | 45.173542 , -74.222939 |
St.-Anicet | 45.133390 , -74.349250 |
St.-Chrysostome | 45.100080 , -73.765890 |
St.-malachie-d'ormstown | 45.105879 , -74.022789 |
Ste.-Barbe | 45.166790 , -74.199240 |
Tatehurst | 45.142260 , -74.014610 |
Très-Saint-Sacrement | 45.164282 , -73.861273 |
Trout River | 44.997270 , -74.317120 |
- You can download geometry data for Le Haut-Saint-Laurent in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.