Lunenburg (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples

Lunenburg (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lunenburg (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lunenburg neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lunenburg with 3D shadow effect

Lunenburg map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lunenburg (geojson format) :
Lunenburg.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lunenburg map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lunenburg Map : ( 44.133154 , -64.945474 , 44.899311 , -63.993368 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lunenburg map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](44.133154, -64.945474, 44.899311, -63.993368);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lunenburg)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lunenburg
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aldersville | 44.817050 , -64.502210 |
Auburndale | 44.405250 , -64.592820 |
Back Centre | 44.369590 , -64.359780 |
Bakers Settlement | 44.397000 , -64.677500 |
Barrys Corner | 44.429130 , -64.476060 |
Barss Corner | 44.566520 , -64.681050 |
Bayport | 44.321520 , -64.311320 |
Bayswater | 44.504590 , -64.060660 |
Beech Hill | 44.600440 , -64.390150 |
Big Lots | 44.413510 , -64.408110 |
Birchy Head | 44.577320 , -64.047250 |
Blockhouse | 44.448977 , -64.421000 |
Blue Rocks | 44.356170 , -64.242400 |
Borgels Point | 44.554440 , -64.307380 |
Branch LaHave | 44.444920 , -64.625290 |
Bridgewater | 44.383450 , -64.515460 |
Broad Cove | 44.182090 , -64.484100 |
Bush Island | 44.238530 , -64.370380 |
Camperdown | 44.266860 , -64.598770 |
Canaan | 44.674600 , -64.248200 |
Centre | 44.383450 , -64.365450 |
Chelsea | 44.371470 , -64.740990 |
Cherry Hill | 44.152350 , -64.490120 |
Cherryfield | 44.622210 , -64.810480 |
Chester | 44.550150 , -64.248740 |
Chester Acres | 44.586470 , -64.192500 |
Chester Basin | 44.567357 , -64.307679 |
Chester Grant | 44.612120 , -64.321480 |
Clearland | 44.481320 , -64.409290 |
Colpton | 44.450150 , -64.848780 |
Commons | 44.547700 , -64.229760 |
Conquerall Bank | 44.369146 , -64.468202 |
Conquerall Mills | 44.319426 , -64.526500 |
Cookville | 44.431790 , -64.557960 |
Corkums Island | 44.350070 , -64.323980 |
Crescent Beach | 44.235100 , -64.414370 |
Crousetown | 44.261690 , -64.485480 |
Dayspring | 44.372150 , -64.475390 |
Deans Corner | 44.394890 , -64.332350 |
Dublin Shore | 44.269230 , -64.364910 |
East Chester | 44.561670 , -64.221990 |
East Clifford | 44.433450 , -64.732080 |
East LaHave | 44.308760 , -64.368530 |
East River Point | 44.575740 , -64.162560 |
Eastern Points | 44.350330 , -64.209990 |
Elmwood | 44.580110 , -64.629060 |
Farmington | 44.613330 , -64.664840 |
Farmville | 44.465500 , -64.467240 |
Fauxburg | 44.427160 , -64.382170 |
Feeners Corner | 44.466850 , -64.582070 |
Feltzen South | 44.333070 , -64.289540 |
First South | 44.367690 , -64.345970 |
Five Houses | 44.280610 , -64.338770 |
Forties | 44.731580 , -64.567620 |
Fox Point | 44.611400 , -64.058880 |
Franey Corner | 44.733450 , -64.665470 |
Fraxville | 44.766570 , -64.567100 |
Front Centre | 44.375640 , -64.352730 |
Glengarry | 44.705560 , -64.457080 |
Gold River | 44.545480 , -64.317740 |
Gold River Indian Reserve No. 21 | 44.558857 , -64.346225 |
Grimms Settlement | 44.350150 , -64.382050 |
Haddon Hill | 44.544130 , -64.250510 |
Harriston | 44.779130 , -64.479130 |
Hebbs Cross | 44.304510 , -64.563850 |
Hebbville | 44.350150 , -64.532070 |
Heckmans Island | 44.382330 , -64.247530 |
Hemford | 44.508190 , -64.789100 |
Hermans Island | 44.415280 , -64.320310 |
High Head | 44.367710 , -64.491840 |
Hubbards | 44.633450 , -64.065430 |
Indian Path | 44.321420 , -64.338190 |
Indian Point | 44.457760 , -64.321010 |
Italy Cross | 44.266860 , -64.548770 |
Kingsburg | 44.276590 , -64.265940 |
Laconia | 44.339807 , -64.651493 |
LaHave | 44.292120 , -64.356990 |
Lahave | 44.288038 , -64.364047 |
Lake Centre | 44.318690 , -64.482450 |
Lake Ramsay | 44.752720 , -64.520300 |
Lake William | 44.584860 , -64.661250 |
Lapland | 44.293990 , -64.679480 |
Leville | 44.748200 , -64.412270 |
Lilydale | 44.391830 , -64.341710 |
Little Tancook | 44.472480 , -64.135960 |
Lower Branch | 44.418770 , -64.573260 |
Lower Grant Road | 44.572190 , -64.292060 |
Lower LaHave | 44.284960 , -64.335300 |
Lower New Cornwall | 44.485190 , -64.468560 |
Lower Northfield | 44.470730 , -64.550050 |
Lower Rose Bay | 44.284950 , -64.285600 |
Lunenburg | 44.383450 , -64.315450 |
Lunenburg Municipal District | 44.463055 , -64.623194 |
Maders Cove | 44.434060 , -64.349270 |
Mahone Bay | 44.450150 , -64.382050 |
Maitland | 44.426020 , -64.457440 |
Maitland Forks | 44.437560 , -64.497120 |
Maplewood | 44.626950 , -64.622250 |
Martins Brook | 44.408780 , -64.339500 |
Martins Point | 44.497330 , -64.319740 |
Martins River | 44.485820 , -64.333880 |
Masons Beach | 44.364150 , -64.326670 |
Middle LaHave | 44.320660 , -64.399600 |
Middle New Cornwall | 44.504100 , -64.525240 |
Middle River | 44.566880 , -64.291270 |
Middlewood | 44.223760 , -64.572600 |
Midville Branch | 44.423930 , -64.636330 |
Mill Cove | 44.586620 , -64.063000 |
Mill Road | 44.782060 , -64.448670 |
Moshers Island | 44.239980 , -64.346460 |
Mount Pleasant | 44.273900 , -64.430000 |
New Canada | 44.478460 , -64.680130 |
New Cumberland | 44.285330 , -64.449770 |
New Elm | 44.404180 , -64.824960 |
New Germany | 44.550150 , -64.715470 |
New Harbour | 44.473640 , -64.085560 |
New Ross | 44.733450 , -64.448760 |
New Ross Indian Reserve No. 20 | 44.842487 , -64.415904 |
New Russell | 44.769800 , -64.423340 |
Newburne | 44.586620 , -64.594240 |
Newcombville | 44.379760 , -64.622230 |
Nineveh | 44.493330 , -64.804350 |
North River | 44.620540 , -64.770330 |
Northfield | 44.466550 , -64.616010 |
Northwest | 44.404310 , -64.356660 |
Northwest Cove | 44.534600 , -64.026640 |
Parkdale | 44.656900 , -64.637520 |
Pennal Indian Reserve No. 19 | 44.794633 , -64.435303 |
Pentz | 44.301950 , -64.391220 |
Petite Rivière Bridge | 44.233460 , -64.448760 |
Pine Grove | 44.416850 , -64.515460 |
Pleasantville | 44.340777 , -64.443118 |
Rhodes Corner | 44.378390 , -64.417840 |
Riverport | 44.286287 , -64.335765 |
Robinsons Corner | 44.560320 , -64.257500 |
Rose Bay | 44.320992 , -64.258089 |
Scarsdale | 44.598210 , -64.635580 |
Schnares Crossing | 44.405200 , -64.344390 |
Second Peninsula | 44.399130 , -64.282530 |
Seffernsville | 44.658670 , -64.396020 |
Shaw Island | 44.545290 , -64.280920 |
Sherwood | 44.719100 , -64.298060 |
Silver Point Road | 44.479800 , -64.324950 |
Simms Settlement | 44.621460 , -64.094740 |
Simpsons Corner | 44.536130 , -64.783900 |
Somerset | 44.230830 , -64.538240 |
Southwest Cove | 44.524920 , -64.011670 |
Spectacle Lakes | 44.383450 , -64.382050 |
Squid Cove | 44.581150 , -64.202360 |
Stanburne | 44.597770 , -64.713010 |
Stanley Section | 44.505980 , -64.725920 |
Stonehurst East | 44.363200 , -64.215560 |
Stonehurst West | 44.364570 , -64.233260 |
Sunnybrook | 44.412870 , -64.334540 |
Sweetland | 44.467240 , -64.506700 |
Tancook Island | 44.452982 , -64.166167 |
Tanners Settlement | 44.354180 , -64.366020 |
The Lodge | 44.556650 , -64.032120 |
The Narrows | 44.471050 , -64.331910 |
Union Square | 44.552360 , -64.638960 |
Upper Blandford | 44.510450 , -64.126590 |
Upper Branch | 44.452880 , -64.684490 |
Upper Chelsea | 44.346850 , -64.765400 |
Upper Kingsburg | 44.272150 , -64.283280 |
Upper LaHave | 44.365500 , -64.444330 |
Upper Lahave | 44.367466 , -64.448375 |
Upper New Cornwall | 44.531490 , -64.579900 |
Upper Northfield | 44.501640 , -64.614700 |
Voglers Cove | 44.157360 , -64.533290 |
Waterloo | 44.325160 , -64.689310 |
Watford | 44.535230 , -64.662530 |
Wentzells Lake | 44.474080 , -64.618530 |
West Clifford | 44.419490 , -64.740990 |
West Dublin | 44.253340 , -64.399480 |
West LaHave | 44.315270 , -64.416970 |
West Northfield | 44.453660 , -64.594010 |
Western Shore | 44.513828 , -64.296648 |
Whynotts Settlement | 44.412950 , -64.471650 |
Windsor Road | 44.623720 , -64.277720 |
- You can download geometry data for Lunenburg in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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