Cumberland (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples

Cumberland (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Cumberland (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Cumberland neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Cumberland with 3D shadow effect

Cumberland map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Cumberland (geojson format) :
Cumberland.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Cumberland map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Cumberland Map : ( 45.246658 , -65.018486 , 46.005123 , -63.232959 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Cumberland map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](45.246658, -65.018486, 46.005123, -63.232959);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Cumberland)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Cumberland
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Advocate Harbour | 45.294814 , -64.774360 |
Allen Hill | 45.400130 , -64.715470 |
Amherst | 45.833450 , -64.198740 |
Amherst Head | 45.888420 , -63.992050 |
Amherst Point | 45.786820 , -64.270680 |
Amherst Shore | 45.969170 , -63.894820 |
Apple River | 45.466830 , -64.782070 |
Athol | 45.666850 , -64.215440 |
Athol Road | 45.632060 , -64.102660 |
Athol Station | 45.687800 , -64.214740 |
Barronsfield | 45.737120 , -64.359830 |
Beckwith | 45.833940 , -63.812800 |
Birchwood | 45.704260 , -63.786530 |
Black Rock | 45.376840 , -64.414300 |
Blue Sac Road | 45.409330 , -64.108310 |
Blue Sea Corner | 45.783450 , -63.298680 |
Brookdale | 45.804590 , -64.161070 |
Brookville | 45.403430 , -64.595620 |
Cameron Beach | 45.869360 , -63.729430 |
Carrington | 45.833450 , -63.765410 |
Castlereagh | 45.516850 , -63.665410 |
Chapman Settlement | 45.946670 , -63.931510 |
Chignecto | 45.733450 , -64.198740 |
Claremont | 45.683450 , -63.965430 |
Collingwood Corner | 45.608960 , -63.936880 |
Conns Mills | 45.761830 , -63.704840 |
Diligent River | 45.415382 , -64.470691 |
East Advocate | 45.332120 , -64.769380 |
East Amherst | 45.848650 , -64.183070 |
East Apple River | 45.470430 , -64.771020 |
East Fraserville | 45.399750 , -64.636600 |
East Hansford | 45.719250 , -63.745800 |
East Leicester | 45.792460 , -63.977220 |
East Linden | 45.903880 , -63.820050 |
East Mapleton | 45.550160 , -64.115440 |
East Southampton | 45.583450 , -64.198740 |
East Wallace | 45.795940 , -63.433330 |
East Wentworth | 45.625330 , -63.497760 |
Eatonville | 45.400110 , -64.882070 |
Farmington | 45.566850 , -63.898740 |
Fenwick | 45.762890 , -64.186840 |
Fort Lawrence | 45.850150 , -64.248740 |
Fountain Road | 45.801700 , -63.585780 |
Fox Harbour | 45.855000 , -63.450910 |
Fox River | 45.409630 , -64.527730 |
Franklin Manor Indian Reserve No. 22 (Part) | 45.546044 , -64.399455 |
Fraserville | 45.392860 , -64.664110 |
Gilbert Mountain | 45.516850 , -64.215450 |
Glenville | 45.693010 , -63.949710 |
Greenhill | 45.388410 , -64.264550 |
Greenville Station | 45.648090 , -63.669590 |
Halfway River | 45.522730 , -64.344140 |
Hansford | 45.722430 , -63.791290 |
Harrison Road | 45.750150 , -64.265440 |
Harrison Settlement | 45.520120 , -64.391960 |
Hartford | 45.753900 , -63.639690 |
Hastings | 45.826430 , -64.121430 |
Heather Beach | 45.875500 , -63.762730 |
Irishtown Road | 45.856350 , -63.627060 |
Isthmus of Chignecto | 45.916640 , -64.165810 |
Jacksons Point | 46.000140 , -64.032030 |
Jersey | 45.666850 , -63.732020 |
Joggins | 45.683450 , -64.432050 |
Jubilee | 45.716850 , -64.315440 |
Kerrs Mill Road | 45.781930 , -63.550840 |
Kirkhill | 45.416850 , -64.365460 |
Kolbec | 45.769270 , -63.810350 |
Lake Killarney | 45.852350 , -63.865150 |
Lake Road Corner | 45.466850 , -64.332050 |
Lakelands | 45.471680 , -64.333620 |
Leamington | 45.603310 , -64.094570 |
Linden | 45.877950 , -63.822920 |
Little Forks | 45.700150 , -64.148730 |
Little River | 45.771020 , -63.906960 |
Lorneville | 45.985660 , -63.938570 |
Lower Cove | 45.726690 , -64.434040 |
Lower Greenville | 45.637370 , -63.611470 |
Lower Gulf Shore | 45.872410 , -63.551740 |
Lower Maccan | 45.759980 , -64.308530 |
Lower River Hebert | 45.721550 , -64.354350 |
Lower Shinimicas | 45.900810 , -63.891140 |
Lower Wentworth | 45.708080 , -63.558990 |
Maccan | 45.716850 , -64.248740 |
Mahoneys Corner | 45.683450 , -63.632010 |
Malagash | 45.794339 , -63.373260 |
Malagash Mine | 45.792460 , -63.324650 |
Malagash Point | 45.799720 , -63.265780 |
Malagash Station | 45.760550 , -63.413760 |
Mansfield | 45.803620 , -63.938590 |
Mapleton | 45.583450 , -64.148740 |
Middleboro | 45.756350 , -63.572470 |
Mill Creek | 45.765730 , -64.381960 |
Miller Road | 45.845080 , -63.619940 |
Millers Corner | 45.633450 , -64.082040 |
Minudie | 45.775260 , -64.352880 |
Moose River | 45.417820 , -64.176590 |
Mount Pleasant | 45.787680 , -63.847950 |
Nappan | 45.769250 , -64.239720 |
New Canaan | 45.516850 , -64.265450 |
New Prospect | 45.426320 , -64.272660 |
New Salem | 45.423410 , -64.789890 |
New Yarmouth | 45.383410 , -64.832070 |
North Greville | 45.421500 , -64.552510 |
North Middleboro | 45.778940 , -63.577870 |
North Shore | 45.798730 , -63.375060 |
North Wallace | 45.832940 , -63.481300 |
North Wallace Bay | 45.840040 , -63.555100 |
Northport | 45.931572 , -63.864727 |
Oxford | 45.733450 , -63.865420 |
Oxford Junction | 45.693920 , -63.880570 |
Parrsboro | 45.400150 , -64.332050 |
Pettigrew Settlement | 45.542280 , -64.356480 |
Point Hill | 45.346550 , -64.804870 |
Pugwash Junction | 45.800150 , -63.632000 |
Pugwash Point | 45.871000 , -63.673090 |
Pugwash River | 45.812250 , -63.693800 |
Ragged Reef | 45.678180 , -64.463900 |
Richmond | 45.754160 , -63.467680 |
Ripley Loop | 45.808680 , -63.859870 |
River Hebert | 45.683450 , -64.382050 |
River Hebert East | 45.702340 , -64.358640 |
River Philip | 45.674560 , -63.900700 |
River Philip Centre | 45.630390 , -63.926650 |
Riverside Beach | 45.395800 , -64.311030 |
Riverview | 45.802800 , -63.769670 |
Rockley | 45.815920 , -63.751980 |
Rodney | 45.600150 , -64.032040 |
Rose | 45.591980 , -63.769050 |
Roslin | 45.757460 , -63.784060 |
Rossendale | 45.808090 , -63.821450 |
Sand River | 45.538790 , -64.678660 |
Seagrove | 45.996300 , -63.984640 |
Shinimicas Bridge | 45.872210 , -63.909290 |
Shulie | 45.599630 , -64.571100 |
Six Mile Road | 45.763110 , -63.522730 |
South Athol | 45.646650 , -64.233680 |
South Middleboro | 45.749640 , -63.595770 |
South Pugwash | 45.837100 , -63.636460 |
South Shore | 45.767710 , -63.324930 |
South Victoria | 45.704570 , -63.724290 |
South Wallace Bay | 45.818970 , -63.558290 |
Southampton | 45.594500 , -64.248480 |
Spencers Island | 45.355240 , -64.712260 |
Springhill | 45.650150 , -64.048730 |
Springhill Junction | 45.692650 , -64.107510 |
Stanley | 45.751660 , -64.091870 |
Strathcona | 45.703990 , -64.350250 |
Streets Ridge | 45.722440 , -63.632500 |
Thomson Station | 45.683420 , -63.796790 |
Tidnish | 45.993670 , -64.009490 |
Tidnish Bridge | 45.978020 , -64.044360 |
Tidnish Cross Roads | 45.983450 , -63.998730 |
Truemanville | 45.855720 , -64.075190 |
Two Islands | 45.395870 , -64.235120 |
Two Rivers | 45.660250 , -64.483520 |
Tyndal Road | 45.898800 , -64.113120 |
Upper Gulf Shore | 45.874720 , -63.614840 |
Upper Linden | 45.878130 , -63.839140 |
Upper Malagash | 45.766640 , -63.404630 |
Valley Road | 45.661020 , -63.983200 |
Victoria | 45.730230 , -63.680910 |
Wallace | 45.800150 , -63.481990 |
Wallace Bay | 45.833450 , -63.582000 |
Wallace Bridge | 45.812770 , -63.514850 |
Wallace Bridge Station | 45.800150 , -63.532000 |
Wallace Grant | 45.743320 , -63.466150 |
Wallace Highlands | 45.726480 , -63.458230 |
Wallace Ridge | 45.784110 , -63.413400 |
Wallace River | 45.795060 , -63.556050 |
Wallace Station | 45.775280 , -63.498810 |
Wards Brook | 45.410950 , -64.559260 |
Warren | 45.845640 , -64.123550 |
Wentworth | 45.612867 , -63.555736 |
Wentworth Centre | 45.666850 , -63.548700 |
Wentworth Station | 45.611610 , -63.571690 |
Wentworth Valley | 45.611810 , -63.561480 |
West Advocate | 45.347210 , -64.817390 |
West Amherst | 45.808390 , -64.247490 |
West Apple River | 45.459740 , -64.834990 |
West Bay | 45.372080 , -64.394470 |
West Brook | 45.556850 , -64.299250 |
West Hansford | 45.723540 , -63.813100 |
West Leicester | 45.778290 , -64.042830 |
West Linden | 45.885330 , -63.846780 |
West Pugwash | 45.848880 , -63.710000 |
West Wentworth | 45.685580 , -63.603460 |
Westchester Mountain | 45.566850 , -63.715420 |
Westchester Station | 45.616850 , -63.665410 |
Westchester Valley | 45.592830 , -63.733300 |
Wharton | 45.421550 , -64.397380 |
Williamsdale | 45.593330 , -63.853340 |
Windham Hill | 45.625210 , -63.982240 |
Wyvern | 45.562640 , -63.945880 |
Yorke Settlement | 45.432310 , -64.454930 |
- You can download geometry data for Cumberland in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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