Shelburne (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples

Shelburne (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-1

Shelburne (Nova Scotia) Map Cropping Samples-2

Shelburne neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Shelburne with 3D shadow effect

Shelburne map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Shelburne (geojson format) :
Shelburne.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Shelburne map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Shelburne Map : ( 43.389662 , -65.804697 , 44.232318 , -64.923024 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Shelburne map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](43.389662, -65.804697, 44.232318, -64.923024);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Shelburne)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Shelburne
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Allendale | 43.751040 , -65.092290 |
Arnold | 43.705810 , -65.026090 |
Atlantic | 43.582700 , -65.341410 |
Atwoods Brook | 43.509160 , -65.655410 |
Baccaro | 43.450301 , -65.470876 |
Barrington Head | 43.568420 , -65.577320 |
Barrington Passage | 43.527560 , -65.609200 |
Barrington Passage | 43.512798 , -65.644512 |
Barrington West | 43.564200 , -65.593600 |
Bear Point | 43.486710 , -65.657490 |
Birchtown | 43.747690 , -65.378820 |
Blanche | 43.504590 , -65.405850 |
Brass Hill | 43.552440 , -65.600740 |
Brighton | 43.702770 , -65.123260 |
Carleton Village | 43.663940 , -65.333830 |
Central Woods Harbour | 43.541410 , -65.733450 |
Charlesville | 43.582450 , -65.778780 |
Churchover | 43.711810 , -65.356490 |
Clam Point | 43.487832 , -65.560269 |
Clark's Harbour | 43.450160 , -65.632130 |
Clyde River | 43.633460 , -65.482130 |
Coffinscroft | 43.548390 , -65.553860 |
Crowell | 43.542500 , -65.606470 |
Doctors Cove | 43.516170 , -65.632660 |
East Baccaro | 43.462450 , -65.468450 |
East Green Harbour | 43.714880 , -65.139500 |
East Jordan | 43.766380 , -65.216070 |
East Sable River | 43.783450 , -65.002300 |
East Side of Ragged Island | 43.705530 , -65.074430 |
Forbes Point | 43.550080 , -65.748530 |
Granite Village | 43.873130 , -64.975320 |
Gunning Cove | 43.680950 , -65.344320 |
Ingomar | 43.564590 , -65.358220 |
Jordan Bay | 43.702570 , -65.238090 |
Jordan Branch | 43.780160 , -65.261800 |
Jordan Falls | 43.815530 , -65.232120 |
Jordan Falls | 43.816081 , -65.236064 |
Jordan Ferry | 43.749250 , -65.241710 |
Little Harbour | 43.721380 , -65.033660 |
Little Port L'Hebert | 43.765930 , -64.950660 |
Lockeport | 43.700160 , -65.115500 |
Louis Head | 43.741450 , -65.015380 |
Lower Clarks Harbour | 43.431780 , -65.616140 |
Lower Jordan Bay | 43.682950 , -65.245120 |
Lower Ohio | 43.847180 , -65.369720 |
Lower Sandy Point | 43.681640 , -65.298790 |
Lower Shag Harbour | 43.504220 , -65.687310 |
Lower Woods Harbour | 43.516860 , -65.732140 |
Lydgate | 43.698410 , -65.115795 |
Mcgray | 43.511903 , -65.646829 |
McNutts Island | 43.646020 , -65.301500 |
Middle Clyde River | 43.850160 , -65.515530 |
Middle Ohio | 43.926040 , -65.405830 |
Newellton | 43.468330 , -65.633530 |
North East Harbour | 43.551560 , -65.386230 |
North East Point | 43.510322 , -65.609664 |
North West Harbour | 43.563190 , -65.414200 |
Oak Park | 43.583460 , -65.632130 |
Osborne Harbour | 43.715880 , -65.108420 |
Pleasant Point | 43.721370 , -65.098020 |
Port Clyde | 43.605350 , -65.467870 |
Port L'Hebert | 43.801580 , -64.932130 |
Port La Tour | 43.497320 , -65.474620 |
Port la Tour | 43.496767 , -65.473880 |
Port Saxon | 43.593870 , -65.435950 |
Reynoldscroft | 43.532290 , -65.455080 |
Riverhead | 43.573010 , -65.592090 |
Rockland | 43.731010 , -65.076690 |
Roseway | 43.633460 , -65.348820 |
Sable River | 43.837808 , -65.052623 |
Sable River West | 43.834240 , -65.059190 |
Shelburne | 43.766860 , -65.315520 |
Sherose Island | 43.535510 , -65.600880 |
Smithsville | 43.486560 , -65.469810 |
South Side | 43.449060 , -65.597870 |
The Hawk | 43.417770 , -65.621020 |
Thomasville | 43.566620 , -65.452970 |
Upper Clyde River | 43.900800 , -65.487850 |
Upper Port La Tour | 43.512170 , -65.469950 |
Villagedale | 43.525530 , -65.549330 |
Welshtown | 43.833460 , -65.382130 |
West Baccaro | 43.464780 , -65.486970 |
West Green Harbour | 43.718290 , -65.170750 |
West Head | 43.450130 , -65.649750 |
West Middle Sable | 43.789710 , -65.016320 |
Western Head | 43.679040 , -65.129880 |
- You can download geometry data for Shelburne in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.