Lambton (Ontario) Map Cropping Samples

Lambton (Ontario) Map Cropping Samples-1

Lambton (Ontario) Map Cropping Samples-2

Lambton neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Lambton with 3D shadow effect

Lambton map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Lambton (geojson format) :
Lambton.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Lambton map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Lambton Map : ( 42.473098419 , -82.677418369 , 43.318486614 , -81.74295436 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Lambton map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](42.473098419, -82.677418369, 43.318486614, -81.74295436);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Lambton)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Lambton
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aberarder | 43.052780 , -82.093890 |
Aberfeldy | 42.757090 , -81.937450 |
Alvinston | 42.819517 , -81.870460 |
Arkona | 43.075910 , -81.835100 |
Avonry | 42.752220 , -82.352220 |
Babys Point | 42.648300 , -82.504590 |
Beach O'Pines | 43.293400 , -81.789300 |
Beaver Meadow | 42.713070 , -82.243460 |
Becher | 42.653680 , -82.355160 |
Bentpath | 42.712350 , -82.174910 |
Bickford | 42.766180 , -82.428500 |
Birnam | 43.053470 , -81.879790 |
Bradshaw | 42.750880 , -82.277880 |
Brigden | 42.812025 , -82.281417 |
Brooke-Alvinston | 42.848898 , -81.904904 |
Bunyan | 42.934440 , -82.278890 |
Cairo | 42.706110 , -81.896940 |
Camlachie | 43.035960 , -82.161600 |
Cedar Point | 43.139080 , -82.060380 |
Charlemont | 42.640280 , -82.282220 |
Coronation Park | 42.969250 , -82.372080 |
Corunna | 42.879588 , -82.443004 |
Courtright | 42.816780 , -82.466530 |
Cromar | 42.787500 , -82.261670 |
Dawn Valley | 42.657780 , -82.227500 |
Dawn-Euphemia | 42.697660 , -82.049736 |
Duthill | 42.691920 , -82.390720 |
Edys Mills | 42.738760 , -82.123030 |
Enniskillen | 42.844795 , -82.120340 |
Errol | 43.046770 , -82.192480 |
Eton Court | 43.042290 , -82.210710 |
Florence | 42.661768 , -81.981525 |
Forest | 43.100080 , -81.999800 |
Fourth Line | 42.959860 , -82.321870 |
Glen Rae | 42.817280 , -82.035900 |
Grays | 42.782670 , -81.847350 |
Gustin Grove | 43.155560 , -82.042500 |
High Park | 42.982360 , -82.368800 |
Hillsborough Beach | 43.115000 , -82.085830 |
Huffs Corners | 42.654380 , -82.075660 |
Ipperwash Beach | 43.208090 , -81.976260 |
Jericho | 43.142210 , -81.915660 |
Jura | 43.104170 , -81.909170 |
Kennedy Acres | 43.038680 , -82.220160 |
Kertch | 42.978990 , -82.049590 |
Kettle Point | 43.183380 , -82.016500 |
Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 | 43.192938 , -82.004292 |
Kinnaird | 43.137580 , -81.958100 |
Ladysmith | 42.790000 , -82.408060 |
Lucasville | 42.935000 , -82.345280 |
Mandaumin | 42.952550 , -82.232380 |
Marthaville | 42.906490 , -82.167420 |
Moore Centre | 42.837570 , -82.349320 |
Mooretown | 42.850080 , -82.466530 |
Oakdale | 42.708750 , -82.039710 |
Oakwood Corners | 43.009890 , -82.377620 |
Oil Springs | 42.783681 , -82.115785 |
Osborne | 42.908330 , -82.257780 |
Payne | 42.839320 , -82.415730 |
Petrolia | 42.883159 , -82.139067 |
Plympton-Wyoming | 43.026274 , -82.121691 |
Point Edward | 42.993540 , -82.409642 |
Port Franks | 43.234072 , -81.879730 |
Port Lambton | 42.644542 , -82.500758 |
Ravenswood | 43.203611 , -81.963500 |
Rokeby | 42.855830 , -81.824720 |
Rutherford | 42.655400 , -82.125000 |
Sarnia | 43.028101 , -82.315044 |
Sarnia Indian Reserve No. 45 | 42.922833 , -82.409970 |
Seckerton | 42.839170 , -82.392780 |
Sherwood Village | 42.965340 , -82.355430 |
Shetland | 42.700000 , -81.980280 |
Sombra | 42.716770 , -82.483130 |
Springvale | 43.170560 , -81.903610 |
St. Clair | 42.770491 , -82.359926 |
Sutorville | 42.905830 , -81.960000 |
Sykeston | 42.884300 , -82.278280 |
Terminus | 42.691040 , -82.330420 |
Thedford | 43.165370 , -81.854670 |
Uttoxeter | 43.030000 , -82.048330 |
Vyner | 43.007500 , -82.254170 |
Walden Place | 43.218130 , -81.860970 |
Walker Woods | 43.228120 , -81.852360 |
Walnut | 42.881660 , -81.893170 |
Walpole Island | 42.615200 , -82.513980 |
Walpole Island Indian Reserve No. 46 | 42.528188 , -82.524212 |
Warwick | 43.005610 , -81.899131 |
Waubuno | 42.787930 , -82.328570 |
West Becher | 42.653960 , -82.370720 |
Wilkesport | 42.715741 , -82.356970 |
Wiltshire Park | 42.989520 , -82.362660 |
Wisbeach | 43.004110 , -81.811280 |
Woodland | 43.001840 , -82.393080 |
Woodrowe Shores | 43.010960 , -82.388670 |
Wyoming | 42.950080 , -82.116510 |
- You can download geometry data for Lambton in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.