Kent (New Brunswick) Map Cropping Samples

Kent (New Brunswick) Map Cropping Samples-1

Kent (New Brunswick) Map Cropping Samples-2

Kent neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Kent with 3D shadow effect

Kent map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Kent (geojson format) :
Kent.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Kent map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Kent Map : ( 46.256765482 , -65.851661084 , 47.073119921 , -64.509587591 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Kent map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](46.256765482, -65.851661084, 47.073119921, -64.509587591);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Kent)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Kent
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acadieville | 46.729290 , -65.265940 |
Adamsville | 46.396750 , -65.184160 |
Alexandrina | 46.314860 , -64.785040 |
Balla Philip | 46.488220 , -64.912210 |
Bar-de-Cocagne | 46.419410 , -64.620190 |
Barrieau | 46.771250 , -65.273020 |
Bass River | 46.544170 , -65.113510 |
Bass River Point | 46.559090 , -65.042340 |
Bastarache | 46.451240 , -64.891490 |
Beersville | 46.447010 , -65.075790 |
Bells Mills | 46.627320 , -64.799120 |
Big Cove | 46.577090 , -64.972030 |
Birch Ridge | 46.316100 , -65.116360 |
Block 14 | 46.751700 , -65.328470 |
Boisjoli | 46.459350 , -64.754100 |
Bon-Secours | 46.366670 , -65.033330 |
Bouctouche | 46.470304 , -64.736946 |
Breau-Village | 46.372560 , -64.632120 |
Brest | 46.463490 , -65.003190 |
Bretagneville | 46.715710 , -65.035840 |
Browns Yard | 46.520746 , -65.085625 |
Bryants Corner | 46.472440 , -65.199590 |
Buctouche Indian Reserve No. 16 | 46.451384 , -64.758061 |
Buctouche-Sud | 46.465710 , -64.707950 |
Cails Mills | 46.485730 , -65.146690 |
Caissie Cape | 46.333330 , -64.533330 |
Caissie-Village | 46.576820 , -64.751290 |
Camerons Mill | 46.679140 , -65.109860 |
Cap-de-Cocagne | 46.352720 , -64.550170 |
Cap-de-Saint-Louis | 46.754160 , -64.918600 |
Cap-des-Caissie | 46.338790 , -64.532720 |
Carleton | 46.906418 , -64.916324 |
Centre-Acadie | 46.712650 , -65.302350 |
Chockpish | 46.571710 , -64.735140 |
Claire-Fontaine | 46.833420 , -64.982030 |
Clairville | 46.382980 , -65.100430 |
Coal Branch | 46.355610 , -65.149530 |
Coates Mills | 46.370870 , -64.874490 |
Cocagne | 46.347697 , -64.614156 |
Cocagne Cove | 46.334350 , -64.559470 |
Cocagne-Nord | 46.330390 , -64.666850 |
Collette-Village | 46.502030 , -64.722490 |
Cormierville | 46.407470 , -64.620950 |
Desherbiers | 46.648130 , -65.226050 |
Dufourville | 46.280090 , -64.759420 |
Dundas | 46.276420 , -64.864330 |
East Branch | 46.543720 , -64.890930 |
East Galloway | 46.585220 , -64.798260 |
Emerson | 46.458800 , -65.122170 |
Fontaine | 46.851190 , -64.966680 |
Fords Mills | 46.487680 , -65.090260 |
Galloway | 46.608340 , -64.813730 |
Girouardville | 46.483730 , -64.737530 |
Gladeside | 46.305190 , -64.888820 |
Goudalie | 46.372010 , -64.679400 |
Grande-Aldouane | 46.711670 , -64.927880 |
Grande-Digue | 46.333772 , -64.600982 |
Grangeville | 46.420840 , -65.204450 |
Guimond-Village | 46.766830 , -64.948730 |
Harcourt | 46.466830 , -65.248770 |
Indian Island Indian Reserve No. 28 | 46.688902 , -64.792759 |
Jailletville | 46.423940 , -65.026420 |
Jardineville | 46.656160 , -64.854470 |
Kent Junction | 46.583420 , -65.332050 |
Kent Lake | 46.630430 , -65.095580 |
Kouchibouguac | 46.782312 , -65.004901 |
Loggiecroft | 46.833420 , -64.932030 |
Lower Main River | 46.563580 , -64.987390 |
Lower Saint-Charles | 46.695910 , -64.961770 |
Maria-de-Kent | 46.447370 , -64.777270 |
McKees Mills | 46.418400 , -64.724860 |
McLean Settlement | 46.374260 , -64.938550 |
Molus River | 46.577980 , -65.079270 |
Mortimer | 46.477570 , -65.271460 |
Mundleville | 46.583430 , -64.915450 |
Noinville | 46.643660 , -65.365450 |
Normandie | 46.482190 , -64.984910 |
Notre-Dame | 46.310520 , -64.729840 |
Pelerin | 46.370270 , -64.818950 |
Peters Mills | 46.663580 , -64.805460 |
Petit-Chockpish | 46.590960 , -64.744340 |
Petit-Large | 46.785730 , -64.981240 |
Petite-Aldouane | 46.707150 , -64.887820 |
Pine Ridge | 46.483330 , -65.050000 |
Pineau | 46.705240 , -65.335230 |
Pirogue | 46.678390 , -64.808150 |
Pointe-Sapin-Centre | 46.949480 , -64.853430 |
Pont-du-Milieu | 46.710220 , -65.027680 |
Renauds Mills | 46.376740 , -64.713400 |
Rexton | 46.647646 , -64.878588 |
Richard-Village | 46.795690 , -65.273760 |
Richibucto | 46.678881 , -64.880360 |
Richibucto Indian Reserve No. 15 | 46.590720 , -64.996017 |
Richibucto-Village | 46.655040 , -64.754570 |
Roy | 46.417700 , -64.796170 |
Saint-Antoine | 46.364054 , -64.753906 |
Saint-Athanase | 46.729040 , -65.400060 |
Saint-Camille | 47.001440 , -64.841330 |
Saint-Charles | 46.667390 , -64.976360 |
Saint-Charles-Nord | 46.651990 , -65.031880 |
Saint-Cyrille | 46.378620 , -64.915520 |
Saint-Damien | 46.342740 , -64.825050 |
Saint-David | 46.416840 , -64.748750 |
Saint-Fabien | 46.431630 , -64.877210 |
Saint-Gabriel-de-Kent | 46.523270 , -64.818110 |
Saint-Jean-Baptiste | 46.479160 , -64.707130 |
Saint-Joseph | 46.600000 , -65.250000 |
Saint-Lazare | 46.413290 , -64.911150 |
Saint-Louis de Kent | 46.738647 , -64.976343 |
Saint-Marcel | 46.319070 , -64.580190 |
Saint-Martin-de-Kent | 46.345660 , -64.663210 |
Saint-Maurice | 46.492870 , -64.803140 |
Saint-Norbert | 46.468430 , -64.970930 |
Saint-Olivier | 46.750130 , -64.932030 |
Saint-Paul | 46.333330 , -65.000000 |
Saint-Pierre-de-Kent | 46.515610 , -64.758740 |
Saint-Sosime | 46.380910 , -65.253770 |
Saint-Thomas-de-Kent | 46.445300 , -64.639940 |
Sainte-Anne-de-Kent | 46.551910 , -64.774020 |
Sainte-Marie-de-Kent | 46.416390 , -64.826890 |
Smiths Corner | 46.505570 , -65.165830 |
South Kouchibouguac | 46.829060 , -64.932230 |
South Saint-Norbert | 46.450700 , -64.950290 |
Spring Brook | 46.516000 , -64.882420 |
St.-Antoine | 46.362940 , -64.749850 |
St.-Édouard-de-Kent | 46.531469 , -64.691619 |
St.-Louis de Kent | 46.740130 , -64.969830 |
Ste.-Marie-de-Kent | 46.408599 , -64.827346 |
Sweeneyville | 46.337900 , -64.967440 |
Upper Buctouche | 46.401460 , -64.824210 |
Upper Rexton | 46.628780 , -64.939520 |
Upper Saint-Maurice | 46.479510 , -64.844500 |
Vautour | 46.750000 , -65.233330 |
Village-des-Arsenault | 46.509480 , -64.834550 |
Village-des-Belliveau | 46.333530 , -65.051460 |
Village-des-Cormier | 46.304000 , -64.938710 |
Village-La-Prairie | 46.603850 , -64.783640 |
Village-Saint-Augustin | 46.414520 , -65.145180 |
Village-Saint-Jean | 46.766670 , -65.250000 |
Village-Saint-Pierre | 46.747260 , -65.368320 |
Village-Sainte-Croix | 46.522150 , -64.703070 |
Ward Corner | 46.421260 , -64.678180 |
West Branch | 46.544130 , -64.950270 |
West Galloway | 46.611120 , -64.853070 |
Whites Settlement | 46.307520 , -64.651270 |
- You can download geometry data for Kent in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.