Division No. 15 (Saskatchewan) Map Cropping Samples

Division No. 15 (Saskatchewan) Map Cropping Samples-1

Division No. 15 (Saskatchewan) Map Cropping Samples-2

Division No. 15 neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Division No. 15 with 3D shadow effect

Division No. 15 map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Division No. 15 (geojson format) :
Division No. 15.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Division No. 15 map for "Google Maps" :
Division No. 15.txt
Bounding Box for Division No. 15 Map : ( 52.143217 , -106.979237 , 53.977075 , -104.5779 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Division No. 15 map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](52.143217, -106.979237, 53.977075, -104.5779);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Division No. 15)
rel["name"="Division No. 15"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Division No. 15"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Division No. 15
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aberdeen | 52.326793 , -106.289296 |
Aberdeen No. 373 | 52.316458 , -106.273930 |
Albertville | 53.396506 , -105.538656 |
Alvena | 52.517586 , -106.020652 |
Anglin Lake | 53.700100 , -105.950990 |
Annaheim | 52.321385 , -104.819271 |
Balone Beach | 52.666760 , -105.601080 |
Batoche | 52.733380 , -106.101120 |
Bayne No. 371 | 52.274887 , -105.656002 |
Beardy'S & Okemasis I.R. 96 & 97B | 52.822394 , -106.364941 |
Beardy'S I.R. 97 & Okemasis I.R. 96 | 52.812946 , -106.348485 |
Beatty | 52.900031 , -104.804298 |
Bergheim | 52.200080 , -106.417900 |
Birch Hills | 52.985982 , -105.435837 |
Birch Hills No. 460 | 53.014005 , -105.433582 |
Birson | 53.183370 , -105.401000 |
Bittern Lake I.R. 218 | 53.891200 , -105.824878 |
Blumenthal | 52.483380 , -106.367870 |
Brancepeth | 53.000050 , -105.267720 |
Bremen | 52.366700 , -105.700560 |
Brockington | 53.100040 , -104.700970 |
Bruno | 52.264961 , -105.524142 |
Buckland | 53.183390 , -105.934330 |
Buckland No. 491 | 53.330015 , -105.774664 |
Burton Lake | 52.266750 , -105.117800 |
Candle Lake | 53.794488 , -105.291934 |
Carlton | 52.833380 , -106.501140 |
Carmel | 52.233360 , -105.350560 |
Carpenter | 52.583370 , -105.917830 |
Cecil | 53.200080 , -105.484300 |
Chief Joseph Custer Reserve | 53.191796 , -105.777077 |
Chortitz | 52.500090 , -106.551180 |
Christopher Lake | 53.540535 , -105.781723 |
Claytonville | 53.250080 , -105.400990 |
Clearsand Beach | 53.566800 , -105.850990 |
Clouston | 53.100040 , -105.850520 |
Coxby | 53.116760 , -105.234300 |
Crystal Springs | 52.800050 , -105.367750 |
Cudsaskwa Beach | 52.650060 , -105.617790 |
Cudworth | 52.490612 , -105.736390 |
Cumberland I.R. 100A | 53.063263 , -104.837467 |
Dana | 52.300030 , -105.700570 |
Daylesford | 52.500040 , -104.917750 |
Dixon | 52.200030 , -105.217220 |
Domremy | 52.783370 , -105.734380 |
Domremy Beach | 52.700030 , -105.563040 |
Duck Lake | 52.811163 , -106.226124 |
Duck Lake No. 463 | 52.963810 , -106.212135 |
Emma Lake | 53.566710 , -105.883830 |
Englefeld | 52.162054 , -104.655354 |
Ens | 52.700070 , -105.717790 |
Ethelton | 52.783350 , -104.933830 |
Fenton | 53.016700 , -105.583850 |
Fir Ridge | 53.183370 , -105.417700 |
Fish Creek | 52.616780 , -106.151140 |
Fish Creek No. 402 | 52.598306 , -105.945025 |
Fisher | 53.033370 , -105.451020 |
Flett Springs | 52.783330 , -104.850990 |
Flett's Springs No. 429 | 52.800128 , -104.841334 |
Forest Gate | 53.600090 , -105.617670 |
Foxford | 53.466790 , -105.117660 |
Fulda | 52.350030 , -105.217210 |
Garden River No. 490 | 53.350264 , -105.308537 |
Garthland | 52.983380 , -106.334410 |
Grant No. 372 | 52.313486 , -106.010871 |
Gruenthal | 52.466710 , -106.517260 |
Guises Beach | 53.583400 , -105.900990 |
Hagen | 52.933370 , -105.551040 |
Hague | 52.510759 , -106.417581 |
Henribourg | 53.400090 , -105.617690 |
Hepburn | 52.523941 , -106.731292 |
Hochstadt | 52.466790 , -106.484480 |
Hoey | 52.866770 , -105.801070 |
Honeymoon | 53.316790 , -105.534300 |
Hoodoo No. 401 | 52.565694 , -105.632630 |
Humboldt | 52.201748 , -105.124411 |
Humboldt No. 370 | 52.276068 , -105.228588 |
Invergordon No. 430 | 52.806776 , -105.266371 |
James Smith I.R. 100 | 53.122192 , -104.872459 |
Janow Corners | 53.400090 , -105.367680 |
Kalyna | 53.300080 , -105.434290 |
Kinistino | 52.951999 , -105.029800 |
Kinistino No. 459 | 53.070352 , -104.920072 |
Kiskaciwan I.R. No. 208 | 53.200522 , -106.058894 |
Kistapinan I.R. 211 | 53.139784 , -105.737185 |
Kistapinânihk I.R. 231 | 53.181771 , -105.761719 |
Laird | 52.714801 , -106.589747 |
Laird No. 404 | 52.568892 , -106.734369 |
Lake Lenore | 52.396008 , -104.985934 |
Lake Lenore No. 399 | 52.539336 , -104.800742 |
Lake Park | 53.050060 , -105.301010 |
Lakeland No. 521 | 53.744847 , -105.896847 |
Laniwci | 52.483380 , -106.184460 |
Leofnard | 52.550060 , -105.717810 |
Lily Plain | 53.166790 , -106.084350 |
Lipsett | 52.783340 , -104.683830 |
Little Red River I.R. 106C | 53.485840 , -105.927437 |
Macdowall | 53.016125 , -106.013603 |
Marysburg | 52.316690 , -105.083880 |
McPhail Cove | 53.600100 , -105.900990 |
Meath Park | 53.441919 , -105.369839 |
Mennon | 52.433390 , -106.767270 |
Meskanaw | 52.783340 , -105.084320 |
Middle Lake | 52.481841 , -105.306627 |
Miller's Hill | 53.200040 , -105.667170 |
Minowukaw Beach | 53.783400 , -105.167630 |
Montreal Lake I.R. 106B | 53.531625 , -106.003894 |
Muenster | 52.191143 , -104.993376 |
Murray Point | 53.616800 , -105.934290 |
Muskiki Springs | 52.316770 , -105.701130 |
Muskoday First Nation I.R. 99 | 53.093016 , -105.489209 |
Nelson Beach | 52.649440 , -105.704700 |
Neuanlage | 52.450090 , -106.467880 |
New England | 53.050060 , -105.401020 |
Northern Light | 52.800060 , -105.534360 |
Northern Lights I.R. 220 | 53.180193 , -105.755770 |
Northside | 53.516790 , -105.767690 |
Northway | 52.983370 , -105.584340 |
Okema Beach | 53.600100 , -105.951000 |
One Arrow I.R. 95 | 52.741260 , -106.035539 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1A | 52.672753 , -106.112141 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1B | 52.776316 , -106.104862 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1C | 52.562527 , -105.941119 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1D | 52.802084 , -106.078956 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1E | 52.555907 , -105.879026 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1F | 52.856162 , -105.994042 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1G | 52.877549 , -106.491951 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1H | 52.573061 , -105.917563 |
One Arrow I.R. 95-1I | 52.767335 , -106.079414 |
One Arrow Indian Reserve No. 95-1J | 52.918115 , -106.037503 |
Paddockwood | 53.507158 , -105.561792 |
Paddockwood No. 520 | 53.701810 , -105.484599 |
Pahonan | 53.133350 , -105.000980 |
Pathlow | 52.716730 , -104.801000 |
Peterson | 52.183370 , -105.683910 |
Pilger | 52.424778 , -105.268935 |
Poundmaker I.R. 114-5A | 53.428413 , -105.975573 |
Poundmaker I.R. 114-5B | 53.441557 , -105.979428 |
Prestfoss | 53.033340 , -104.967690 |
Prince Albert | 53.215091 , -105.698814 |
Prince Albert No. 461 | 53.111482 , -105.658169 |
Prince Albert Settlement | 53.166790 , -105.867730 |
Prud'homme | 52.336298 , -105.894109 |
Red Deer Hill | 53.016780 , -105.801060 |
Reynaud | 52.633350 , -105.434370 |
Rosthern | 52.663217 , -106.333545 |
Rosthern No. 403 | 52.622124 , -106.399356 |
Sagehill | 52.283370 , -105.767840 |
Samburg | 53.300080 , -105.367690 |
Schoenweise | 52.450040 , -106.567260 |
Smuts | 52.433370 , -106.117250 |
South Valley | 53.133360 , -105.134290 |
Spruce Home | 53.400040 , -105.767170 |
St-Denis | 52.150070 , -106.117880 |
St-Laurent-Grandin | 52.833380 , -106.084410 |
St. Benedict | 52.568371 , -105.392514 |
St. Brieux | 52.640865 , -104.883743 |
St. Gregor | 52.176606 , -104.827585 |
St. Isidore-de-Bellevue | 52.785582 , -105.920391 |
St. Julien | 52.716770 , -105.867800 |
St. Louis | 52.919735 , -105.810573 |
St. Louis No. 431 | 52.828352 , -105.785115 |
St. Peter No. 369 | 52.274983 , -104.797969 |
Stanleyville | 53.150070 , -105.484310 |
Strong Pine | 53.316780 , -105.250980 |
Sunnyside Beach | 53.566710 , -105.883830 |
Tarnopol | 52.700030 , -105.383860 |
Taylorside | 52.850030 , -104.884290 |
Three Lakes No. 400 | 52.534333 , -105.230611 |
Tipamahto Aski I.R. No. 95A | 52.867343 , -106.475984 |
Totzke | 52.283370 , -105.667840 |
Tway | 52.733350 , -105.434360 |
Tweedsmuir | 53.566720 , -105.950500 |
Vonda | 52.323085 , -106.095173 |
Wahpaton I.R. 94A | 53.275783 , -105.878210 |
Wahpaton I.R. 94B | 53.237976 , -105.702729 |
Waitville | 52.866760 , -105.401040 |
Wakaw | 52.645084 , -105.736185 |
Wakaw Lake | 52.640357 , -105.646044 |
Waldheim | 52.620796 , -106.654475 |
Weirdale | 53.448731 , -105.240311 |
Weldon | 53.006873 , -105.147565 |
White Star | 53.300080 , -105.734310 |
Willow Cree Indian Rserve | 52.797074 , -106.240148 |
Wingard | 52.933380 , -106.417820 |
Winton | 53.133370 , -105.367710 |
Yellow Creek | 52.750040 , -105.251040 |
- You can download geometry data for Division No. 15 in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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