Valenca do Piaui (Piaui) Map Cropping Samples

Valenca do Piaui (Piaui) Map Cropping Samples-2

flag map of Valenca do Piaui with 3D shadow effect

Valenca do Piaui map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Valenca do Piaui (geojson format) :
Valenca do Piaui.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Valenca do Piaui map for "Google Maps" :
Valenca do Piaui.txt
Bounding Box for Valenca do Piaui Map : ( -6.605256 , -42.047542 , -6.176345 , -41.512469 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Valenca do Piaui map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-6.605256, -42.047542, -6.176345, -41.512469);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Valenca do Piaui)
rel["name"="Valenca do Piaui"][type=boundary];
rel["name:en"="Valenca do Piaui"][type=boundary];
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Valenca do Piaui
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Alivio | -6.233330 , -41.950000 |
Alto da Manela | -6.333330 , -41.950000 |
Angical (1) | -6.266670 , -41.883330 |
Baixa do Caldeirao | -6.300000 , -41.683330 |
Baixa do Curral | -6.233330 , -41.933330 |
Baixao | -6.533330 , -41.800000 |
Barreiras | -6.350000 , -41.933330 |
Barrinha | -6.416670 , -41.716670 |
Buritizal | -6.316670 , -41.650000 |
Buritizal | -6.483330 , -41.866670 |
Camboeiro | -6.466670 , -41.783330 |
Campo Largo | -6.283330 , -41.933330 |
Campos Segundo | -6.316670 , -41.916670 |
Cana Brava | -6.250000 , -41.866670 |
Corrente | -6.433330 , -41.700000 |
Diamantina | -6.183330 , -41.950000 |
Fumal | -6.450000 , -41.800000 |
Furnas | -6.333330 , -41.800000 |
Gameleira | -6.416670 , -41.700000 |
Guarabira | -6.266670 , -41.766670 |
Isidora | -6.539910 , -41.840725 |
Izidoria | -6.533330 , -41.833330 |
Jenipapeiro (4) | -6.350000 , -41.866670 |
Limoeiro | -6.350000 , -41.700000 |
Mata Escura | -6.350000 , -41.666670 |
Monte Belo | -6.533330 , -41.866670 |
Oiticica | -6.233330 , -41.883330 |
Olho d'Agua (2) | -6.283330 , -41.850000 |
Olho d'Aguinha | -6.216670 , -41.983330 |
Paco Dantas | -6.300000 , -41.833330 |
Pai Pedro | -6.483330 , -41.833330 |
Passagem Limpa | -6.300000 , -41.550000 |
Pau d'Arco | -6.250000 , -41.866670 |
Penedo | -6.316670 , -41.650000 |
Piacaba | -6.316670 , -41.733330 |
Poco d'Agua | -6.350000 , -41.866670 |
Ponta d'Agua (2) | -6.450000 , -41.666670 |
Pote | -6.250000 , -41.883330 |
Retiro (1) | -6.283330 , -41.766670 |
Riacho | -6.550000 , -41.750000 |
Riacho | -6.466670 , -41.750000 |
Santa Rosa (1) | -6.333330 , -41.700000 |
Sao Joao da Varjota | -6.413060 , -41.864440 |
Sao Jose (2) | -6.250000 , -41.950000 |
Sao Luis (2) | -6.383330 , -41.733330 |
Tabocas | -6.266670 , -41.983330 |
Taboquinha | -6.360709 , -41.711239 |
Tamboril (1) | -6.300000 , -41.750000 |
Tatu | -6.283330 , -41.550000 |
Tucuns | -6.316670 , -41.716670 |
Valença do Piauí | -6.407345 , -41.737287 |
Varzea do Mel | -6.316670 , -41.866670 |
Vereda Comprida | -6.416670 , -41.850000 |
Vila Comprida | -6.416670 , -41.833330 |
- You can download geometry data for Valenca do Piaui in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.