Luzilandia (Piaui) Map Cropping Samples

Luzilandia (Piaui) Map Cropping Samples-1

Luzilandia (Piaui) Map Cropping Samples-2

Luzilandia neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Luzilandia with 3D shadow effect

Luzilandia map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Luzilandia (geojson format) :
Luzilandia.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Luzilandia map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Luzilandia Map : ( -3.770477 , -42.558325 , -3.428815 , -42.202563 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Luzilandia map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-3.770477, -42.558325, -3.428815, -42.202563);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Luzilandia)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Luzilandia
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Agrovila do pa Palmares | -3.461764 , -42.351940 |
Alto Bonito | -3.555280 , -42.243060 |
Altos | -3.532500 , -42.352220 |
Angelim | -3.511390 , -42.288610 |
Banguelo | -3.657780 , -42.489170 |
Barrocão | -3.676547 , -42.510169 |
Boca do Centro | -3.750000 , -42.400000 |
Boi | -3.546390 , -42.346940 |
Boi Morto | -3.716110 , -42.398610 |
Bom Lugar | -3.646110 , -42.383330 |
Cajubeira | -3.640000 , -42.552500 |
Campos | -3.741390 , -42.451390 |
Candeeiro | -3.505000 , -42.364720 |
Cantinho | -3.474170 , -42.345830 |
Canto da Catinga | -3.467220 , -42.358610 |
Canto da Folha | -3.724720 , -42.346110 |
Capim Grosso | -3.695023 , -42.358113 |
Cardoso | -3.729720 , -42.379720 |
Carnauba | -3.574440 , -42.333060 |
Carnaubal | -3.649440 , -42.540830 |
Carnaubinha | -3.532780 , -42.305560 |
Chapada do Barrocao | -3.682780 , -42.517500 |
Chorao | -3.713330 , -42.468330 |
Cipo | -3.664170 , -42.501670 |
Claro | -3.742500 , -42.396670 |
Contendas | -3.666670 , -42.450000 |
Corredeira | -3.577500 , -42.342220 |
Enjeitado | -3.718610 , -42.465830 |
Extrema | -3.604149 , -42.292232 |
Grossos | -3.631940 , -42.543330 |
Imburana | -3.711670 , -42.485830 |
Jacu | -3.747500 , -42.376670 |
Jenipapeiro | -3.645560 , -42.466390 |
Lagoinha | -3.692500 , -42.375280 |
Luzilândia | -3.466079 , -42.363557 |
Malhada | -3.672220 , -42.395280 |
Malicia | -3.736940 , -42.485000 |
Maracuja | -3.691390 , -42.420280 |
Massape | -3.689720 , -42.439440 |
Mocambo | -3.678330 , -42.508890 |
Moquem | -3.458610 , -42.336110 |
Morrinhos | -3.462780 , -42.235830 |
Mundo Novo | -3.732780 , -42.418060 |
Muricizinho | -3.520830 , -42.268610 |
Negro | -3.624170 , -42.488060 |
Núcleo Habitacional N. 3 | -3.467992 , -42.280974 |
Núcleo Habitacional N. 5 | -3.459236 , -42.250830 |
Oficina | -3.505830 , -42.235000 |
Patos | -3.527500 , -42.277220 |
Pau-d'Arco | -3.577220 , -42.278330 |
Pedra Branca | -3.563890 , -42.318890 |
Pedra Miuda | -3.710280 , -42.419720 |
Pintadas | -3.644720 , -42.438890 |
Porto das Vargens | -3.460000 , -42.291940 |
Rebentao | -3.445280 , -42.243610 |
Roca Velha | -3.552500 , -42.278060 |
Saco | -3.541670 , -42.284170 |
Saco Danta | -3.503890 , -42.323890 |
Sao Francisco | -3.626940 , -42.294170 |
Sao Nicolau | -3.561670 , -42.311940 |
Saquinho | -3.484440 , -42.351110 |
Sitio | -3.642220 , -42.492780 |
Suruegua | -3.443890 , -42.326940 |
Tabaqueiro | -3.719440 , -42.443060 |
Tabuleiro | -3.546390 , -42.297220 |
Tapera | -3.493060 , -42.388060 |
Timoteo | -3.452500 , -42.308060 |
Tinguis | -3.665000 , -42.333890 |
Vermelha | -3.636940 , -42.308610 |
Volta do Morro | -3.570280 , -42.321110 |
- You can download geometry data for Luzilandia in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.