Charleroi (Hainaut) Map Cropping Samples

Charleroi (Hainaut) Map Cropping Samples-1

Charleroi (Hainaut) Map Cropping Samples-2

Charleroi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Charleroi with 3D shadow effect

Charleroi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Charleroi (geojson format) :
Charleroi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Charleroi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Charleroi Map : ( 50.314602 , 4.186348 , 50.601619 , 4.617163 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Charleroi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](50.314602, 4.186348, 50.601619, 4.617163);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Charleroi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Charleroi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acoz | 50.359040 , 4.532630 |
Aiseau | 50.421230 , 4.584464 |
Aiseau-Presles | 50.408240 , 4.582160 |
Arquennes | 50.567650 , 4.273410 |
Azebois | 50.480370 , 4.416030 |
Bacara | 50.550000 , 4.233330 |
Bas-Sart | 50.374610 , 4.593950 |
Bassee | 50.432580 , 4.398820 |
Bauche | 50.366670 , 4.366670 |
Baudoux | 50.500220 , 4.385350 |
Belle | 50.523020 , 4.282910 |
Belle Fontaine | 50.416720 , 4.317720 |
Bellecourt | 50.480670 , 4.267930 |
Beurre | 50.516670 , 4.516670 |
Biernimont | 50.519930 , 4.328670 |
Bois de Nauwe | 50.524570 , 4.305900 |
Bois des Maitres | 50.476700 , 4.270850 |
Bois Robert | 50.500000 , 4.216670 |
Bois-d'Haine | 50.501800 , 4.215550 |
Bomerée | 50.369314 , 4.394420 |
Bon Air | 50.465150 , 4.517250 |
Bouffioulx | 50.386409 , 4.524225 |
Brule | 50.566670 , 4.250000 |
Brunehault | 50.505240 , 4.432090 |
Brye | 50.524390 , 4.556710 |
Buisseret | 50.533330 , 4.216670 |
Buscaille | 50.532810 , 4.368950 |
Buzet | 50.540380 , 4.369980 |
Chamborgneau | 50.377000 , 4.504910 |
Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont | 50.470397 , 4.276725 |
Charleroi | 50.414804 , 4.447737 |
Charnoy | 50.350000 , 4.500000 |
Chassart | 50.500000 , 4.500000 |
Châtelet | 50.403380 , 4.528260 |
Châtelineau | 50.415000 , 4.520160 |
Chêne Bonnet | 50.359924 , 4.359183 |
Chensee | 50.492600 , 4.337590 |
Claire Fontaine | 50.481210 , 4.284630 |
Commune | 50.555850 , 4.366480 |
Commune | 50.539570 , 4.420050 |
Coquinette | 50.550000 , 4.450000 |
Corby | 50.367430 , 4.379840 |
Couillet | 50.391390 , 4.459080 |
Courcelles | 50.463790 , 4.374700 |
Dampremy | 50.417050 , 4.430920 |
Daublain | 50.566670 , 4.233330 |
Diarbois | 50.454100 , 4.454260 |
Dieu de Pitie | 50.493850 , 4.548180 |
Equipee | 50.566670 , 4.250000 |
Etablissements de Chassart | 50.516670 , 4.500000 |
Familleureux | 50.515149 , 4.215930 |
Farciennes | 50.430060 , 4.541520 |
Faubourg | 50.466670 , 4.433330 |
Fayt-lez-Manage | 50.486980 , 4.229590 |
Feluy | 50.562580 , 4.250980 |
Figotterie | 50.366670 , 4.550000 |
Flechere | 50.495110 , 4.310180 |
Fleurus | 50.483233 , 4.551267 |
Fontaine-l'Évêque | 50.405914 , 4.327986 |
Fontery | 50.460550 , 4.472280 |
Forchies-la-Marche | 50.432577 , 4.326024 |
Forriere | 50.443580 , 4.356300 |
Frasnes-lez-Gosselies | 50.538310 , 4.450115 |
Fromiee | 50.331510 , 4.577760 |
Gadin | 50.366670 , 4.400000 |
Gerpinnes | 50.341315 , 4.527426 |
Gilly | 50.424490 , 4.478900 |
Godarville | 50.491252 , 4.288724 |
Godene | 50.500000 , 4.250000 |
Gohissart | 50.434180 , 4.414470 |
Gosselies | 50.470801 , 4.442250 |
Gougnies | 50.355430 , 4.576150 |
Goutroux | 50.413330 , 4.362260 |
Gouy-lez-Piéton | 50.491285 , 4.326902 |
Grand Marais | 50.533330 , 4.433330 |
Grand Trieu | 50.433330 , 4.500000 |
Grand'Peine | 50.569590 , 4.289630 |
Grandchamp | 50.450000 , 4.566670 |
Grands Sarts | 50.480010 , 4.403720 |
Grenfaux | 50.563890 , 4.307710 |
Hairiamont | 50.511730 , 4.355520 |
Hameau | 50.398940 , 4.367660 |
Heigne | 50.444600 , 4.409990 |
Heppignies | 50.484600 , 4.495300 |
Herlaimont | 50.450000 , 4.283330 |
Hymiee | 50.330040 , 4.530370 |
Jolimont | 50.473200 , 4.225080 |
Joncret | 50.353730 , 4.513490 |
Jumet | 50.442200 , 4.437450 |
Keumiée | 50.461770 , 4.582330 |
L'Aulnois | 50.505400 , 4.338730 |
La Bretagne | 50.421010 , 4.361000 |
La Chaussee | 50.490430 , 4.380650 |
La Chaussee | 50.500650 , 4.460450 |
La Docherie | 50.422350 , 4.406290 |
La Faisanderie | 50.350000 , 4.466670 |
La Ferte | 50.466670 , 4.416670 |
La Gloriette | 50.433330 , 4.300000 |
La Guenette | 50.566670 , 4.316670 |
La Haute Rue | 50.550000 , 4.316670 |
La Hestre | 50.475560 , 4.247390 |
La Warte | 50.585020 , 4.248080 |
Lambusart | 50.454330 , 4.552630 |
Landelies | 50.380010 , 4.350760 |
Lausprelle | 50.366160 , 4.506450 |
Le Chenia | 50.516670 , 4.250000 |
Le Dauphin | 50.559290 , 4.269510 |
Le Peruwez | 50.557660 , 4.248680 |
Le Vieux Campinaire | 50.456580 , 4.525090 |
Leernes | 50.398120 , 4.332390 |
Les Bois | 50.547930 , 4.344710 |
Les Culots | 50.504030 , 4.299060 |
Les Flaches | 50.336520 , 4.493590 |
Les Haies | 50.366670 , 4.400000 |
Les Haies | 50.381620 , 4.446930 |
Les Hamendes | 50.433330 , 4.466670 |
Les Mourettes | 50.483330 , 4.233330 |
Les Pachis | 50.345210 , 4.508660 |
Les Rivages | 50.516670 , 4.216670 |
Les Trois Maisons | 50.550000 , 4.250000 |
Liberchies | 50.514210 , 4.421230 |
Lodelinsart | 50.431380 , 4.448860 |
Longpre | 50.513150 , 4.542760 |
Loverval | 50.375190 , 4.473320 |
Luttre | 50.506642 , 4.396272 |
Luxensart | 50.561010 , 4.327520 |
Mailmont | 50.526390 , 4.360390 |
Malgre Tout | 50.483330 , 4.450000 |
Manage | 50.503398 , 4.242665 |
Marais | 50.560070 , 4.322330 |
Marais | 50.483330 , 4.316670 |
Marchienne-au-Pont | 50.405730 , 4.395300 |
Marcinelle | 50.392160 , 4.443880 |
Mellet | 50.502746 , 4.471804 |
Mienson | 50.466670 , 4.450000 |
Monceau-sur-Sambre | 50.416940 , 4.376680 |
Mont-sur-Marchienne | 50.389970 , 4.407320 |
Montignies-sur-Sambre | 50.410810 , 4.491090 |
Montigny-le-Tilleul | 50.375984 , 4.379057 |
Morelmont | 50.508740 , 4.323630 |
Motte | 50.463450 , 4.394270 |
Mouligneau | 50.416670 , 4.300000 |
Mozet | 50.433330 , 4.466670 |
Obaix | 50.529960 , 4.360890 |
Oignies | 50.426400 , 4.608080 |
Petit Moulin | 50.566670 , 4.250000 |
Petit-Roeulx-lez-Nivelles | 50.554190 , 4.313510 |
Petits Sarts | 50.483330 , 4.366670 |
Piersoulx | 50.483330 , 4.450000 |
Piéton | 50.436941 , 4.296020 |
Pironchamps | 50.431810 , 4.520190 |
Plomcot | 50.483330 , 4.566670 |
Pont a Migneloux | 50.500200 , 4.462160 |
Pont-à-Celles | 50.519751 , 4.362977 |
Pont-de-Loup | 50.416560 , 4.545940 |
Presles | 50.384170 , 4.578380 |
Ransart | 50.459323 , 4.482499 |
Reguignies | 50.450000 , 4.366670 |
Renissart | 50.550000 , 4.266670 |
Reves | 50.538090 , 4.410750 |
Revioux | 50.537470 , 4.403080 |
Rianwelz | 50.450000 , 4.350000 |
Robesse | 50.483330 , 4.450000 |
Rocquette | 50.566670 , 4.266670 |
Ronce | 50.534770 , 4.303210 |
Roquette | 50.400000 , 4.333330 |
Roselies | 50.430280 , 4.572030 |
Rosseignies | 50.541240 , 4.323730 |
Roux | 50.441110 , 4.391700 |
Saint-Amand | 50.506110 , 4.549880 |
Saint-Ethon | 50.559910 , 4.258810 |
Saint-Fiacre | 50.494330 , 4.506130 |
Sart a Reves | 50.549330 , 4.396320 |
Sart Culpart | 50.430100 , 4.496060 |
Sart d'Hainaut | 50.433330 , 4.350000 |
Sart les Moines | 50.454790 , 4.426700 |
Sart Saint-Nicolas | 50.366670 , 4.416670 |
Scailmont | 50.499180 , 4.249280 |
Scarbotte | 50.570580 , 4.274420 |
Scoumont | 50.543960 , 4.311320 |
Seneffe | 50.533106 , 4.256976 |
Soudromont | 50.517430 , 4.261930 |
Souvret | 50.442493 , 4.355287 |
Spinoy | 50.433330 , 4.416670 |
Tergnee | 50.435260 , 4.562560 |
Terre Pelee | 50.539270 , 4.243150 |
Thiméon | 50.489928 , 4.428787 |
Traulee | 50.500000 , 4.366670 |
Trazegnies | 50.464248 , 4.332300 |
Trieu Bernard | 50.466670 , 4.583330 |
Trieu des Agneaux | 50.450000 , 4.383330 |
Trieu Gilson | 50.354100 , 4.499670 |
Trieux | 50.426390 , 4.326700 |
Try d'Haies | 50.366670 , 4.450000 |
Tyberchamps | 50.522220 , 4.240070 |
Viesville | 50.490880 , 4.408520 |
Villers-Perwin | 50.527830 , 4.479680 |
Villers-Poterie | 50.353790 , 4.548850 |
Wagnelée | 50.523300 , 4.533320 |
Wainage | 50.456580 , 4.525090 |
Wanfercée-Baulet | 50.464848 , 4.576480 |
Wangenies | 50.480230 , 4.520190 |
Wattimez | 50.551190 , 4.418080 |
Wayaux | 50.489570 , 4.473240 |
Wespes | 50.387660 , 4.329890 |
Wilbeau-Roux | 50.450320 , 4.369430 |
- You can download geometry data for Charleroi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.