Neufchâteau (Luxembourg) Map Cropping Samples

Neufchâteau (Luxembourg) Map Cropping Samples-1

Neufchâteau (Luxembourg) Map Cropping Samples-2

Neufchâteau neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Neufchâteau with 3D shadow effect

Neufchâteau map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Neufchâteau (geojson format) :
Neufchâteau.geojson (**)
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Bounding Box for Neufchâteau Map : ( 49.709324 , 4.968106 , 50.123108 , 5.705324 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Neufchâteau map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](49.709324, 4.968106, 50.123108, 5.705324);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Neufchâteau)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Neufchâteau
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acremont | 49.898780 , 5.208970 |
Al'Linguette | 50.050000 , 5.333330 |
Anloy | 49.949780 , 5.221920 |
Arville | 50.032030 , 5.316650 |
Assenois | 49.878310 , 5.211270 |
Assenois | 49.802440 , 5.463710 |
Au Cheny du Mont | 50.039480 , 5.296850 |
Au Cheval Dot | 50.066670 , 5.283330 |
Au Ferrage | 49.916670 , 5.333330 |
Au Minire | 50.066670 , 5.100000 |
Auby | 49.815600 , 5.182600 |
Aux Alloises | 49.883330 , 5.616670 |
Aux Fagnes | 50.079070 , 5.071950 |
Aux Tachenires | 49.973390 , 5.314760 |
Awenne | 50.074050 , 5.304710 |
Ban de Laviot | 49.833330 , 5.000000 |
Banet Sarts | 50.016670 , 5.116670 |
Barzin | 50.071600 , 5.080190 |
Bas Corot | 50.083330 , 5.300000 |
Basse Wanchie | 49.800000 , 5.333330 |
Behême | 49.784260 , 5.603900 |
Bellevaux | 49.840340 , 5.110410 |
Bellevue | 49.833330 , 5.100000 |
Belloi | 49.866670 , 5.533330 |
Benauvanne | 49.800000 , 5.183330 |
Beoli | 50.050000 , 5.366670 |
Bernimont | 49.811230 , 5.483630 |
Bernimont | 49.911330 , 5.461920 |
Bertrix | 49.854819 , 5.259448 |
Biourge | 49.841070 , 5.325670 |
Boisbolle | 49.900000 , 5.183330 |
Bojaban | 49.800000 , 5.000000 |
Bonance | 49.921820 , 5.388020 |
Bonne Femme | 49.891230 , 5.051650 |
Bonnerue | 50.011140 , 5.478490 |
Botassart | 49.822090 , 5.048800 |
Boucats | 50.016670 , 5.166670 |
Bougnimont | 49.944480 , 5.466900 |
Bouillon | 49.790737 , 5.063683 |
Bras | 49.970900 , 5.394850 |
Bras-Haut | 49.981710 , 5.386750 |
Briahan | 49.822830 , 5.077400 |
Bufat | 49.916670 , 5.250000 |
Bure | 50.088950 , 5.260080 |
Burhaimont | 49.862100 , 5.252910 |
Carlsbourg | 49.894990 , 5.081000 |
Champs Chenets | 49.817790 , 5.166500 |
Chanly | 50.079700 , 5.152940 |
Chateau le Duc | 49.838020 , 5.071300 |
Chateaumont | 49.816670 , 5.033330 |
Chene | 49.862860 , 5.559870 |
Chenet | 49.958240 , 5.516790 |
Chenet | 49.983330 , 5.166670 |
Chenne Lisse | 50.016670 , 5.066670 |
Chevaudos | 49.793020 , 5.475110 |
Chorlet | 49.900000 , 5.150000 |
Coin du Haut | 49.816670 , 5.600000 |
Colrin | 49.998900 , 5.379810 |
Contranhez | 49.965910 , 5.327950 |
Coquenwet | 49.800000 , 5.666670 |
Corbion | 49.797670 , 5.007450 |
Coro | 50.016670 , 5.250000 |
Cote Champion | 49.800000 , 5.233330 |
Cote de Wilbauroche | 49.806770 , 5.237500 |
Cote Lambot | 49.800000 , 5.200000 |
Cousteumont | 49.817280 , 5.473620 |
Coutelle | 50.016670 , 5.233330 |
Croisement de la Fleche | 49.866670 , 5.233330 |
Croix Gloriette | 50.095270 , 5.239010 |
Cugnon | 49.802240 , 5.202690 |
Cul du Four | 50.048200 , 5.395200 |
Curfox | 49.816670 , 5.066670 |
Daverdisse | 50.021610 , 5.118110 |
Derriere Arville | 50.049600 , 5.295890 |
Derriere Champmont | 49.983330 , 5.216670 |
Derriere Houmont | 49.950000 , 5.183330 |
Derriere la Haye | 50.066670 , 5.300000 |
Dessus le Coine | 50.000000 , 5.283330 |
Devant la Het | 49.950000 , 5.283330 |
Devant le Tienne des Monsais | 50.066670 , 5.116670 |
Devant Luchy | 49.900000 , 5.333330 |
Dohan | 49.795760 , 5.141630 |
Ebly | 49.852900 , 5.540680 |
Epioux | 49.766670 , 5.283330 |
Falize | 50.033330 , 5.283330 |
Fange de la Doneuse | 50.050000 , 5.383330 |
Fauxmaillaux | 49.983330 , 5.183330 |
Fays-Famenne | 50.042860 , 5.071450 |
Fays-les-Veneurs | 49.866150 , 5.161230 |
Faysgeai | 49.850000 , 5.066670 |
Fineuse | 49.860140 , 5.377630 |
Flohimont | 49.906650 , 5.403880 |
Fodai | 49.866670 , 5.333330 |
Fond Guerin | 50.000000 , 5.233330 |
Fond Saint-Roch | 50.016670 , 5.383330 |
Fosse Marchand | 50.066670 , 5.083330 |
Fourneau Saint-Michel | 50.084120 , 5.340550 |
Frahan | 49.834870 , 5.000370 |
Framont | 49.919230 , 5.159980 |
Freux | 49.971120 , 5.449440 |
Freux la Rue | 49.966670 , 5.450000 |
Freux Menil | 49.977490 , 5.454520 |
Froid Lieu | 50.085870 , 5.064880 |
Gembes | 49.996640 , 5.062560 |
Gerard Fontaine | 49.800000 , 5.050000 |
Geripont | 49.854520 , 5.199070 |
Germe au Champ | 49.766670 , 5.083330 |
Glaireuse | 49.958570 , 5.246530 |
Glaumont | 49.872690 , 5.210410 |
Glomont | 50.066670 , 5.200000 |
Grandvoir | 49.858620 , 5.372880 |
Grany | 50.000000 , 5.050000 |
Grapfontaine | 49.821550 , 5.407520 |
Gribomont | 49.821660 , 5.324300 |
Grimonty | 49.800000 , 5.083330 |
Grosse Haye | 50.013970 , 5.294380 |
Grupchy | 49.966670 , 5.383330 |
Grupont | 50.091330 , 5.281340 |
Guefleniere | 49.883330 , 5.400000 |
Halet | 49.920950 , 5.341330 |
Halma | 50.075960 , 5.135120 |
Hamayde | 50.016670 , 5.166670 |
Hamipre | 49.837340 , 5.456860 |
Han-du-Han | 49.800000 , 5.116670 |
Hanieveau | 49.800000 , 5.450000 |
Harbaru | 49.801050 , 5.487830 |
Harfontaine | 49.823010 , 5.374130 |
Harivaux | 49.933330 , 5.483330 |
Hatrival | 50.006000 , 5.348200 |
Haule | 49.850000 , 5.050000 |
Haut Corot | 50.083330 , 5.300000 |
Haut-Fays | 50.001600 , 5.017550 |
Herbeumont | 49.781197 , 5.237957 |
Hesbie | 50.087940 , 5.120890 |
Hestroy | 49.900000 , 5.466670 |
Hestrulle | 49.933330 , 5.516670 |
Hochit Champ | 49.850000 , 5.483330 |
Horle | 49.916670 , 5.133330 |
Hosseuse | 49.816670 , 5.415610 |
Hottee du Diable | 49.783330 , 5.033330 |
Houise | 50.100000 , 5.250000 |
Huqueny | 49.866670 , 5.350000 |
Jehonville | 49.906600 , 5.200350 |
Jenneville | 49.995760 , 5.476800 |
L'Epine | 49.800000 , 5.050000 |
L'Ermite | 49.800000 , 5.283330 |
La Belle au Bois | 49.916670 , 5.500000 |
La Blanche Nau | 49.866670 , 5.333330 |
La Blanche Oreille | 49.880610 , 5.216600 |
La Bruyere | 49.801880 , 4.994210 |
La Cornette | 49.825490 , 5.160570 |
La Cort | 49.816670 , 5.150000 |
La Croisette | 50.083330 , 5.066670 |
La Crosse | 49.866670 , 5.400000 |
La Dute | 49.916670 , 5.266670 |
La Fange Louis | 49.933330 , 5.300000 |
La Gernelle | 49.776210 , 5.056110 |
La Girgaine | 49.866670 , 5.216670 |
La Gotte | 50.000000 , 5.416670 |
La Grande Taille | 50.033330 , 5.266670 |
La Hazelle | 50.000000 , 5.100000 |
La Justice | 49.933330 , 5.133330 |
La Loge | 50.000000 , 5.333330 |
La Maladrie | 49.866670 , 5.450000 |
La Maljoyeuse | 49.816670 , 5.266670 |
La Mohy | 49.900000 , 5.066670 |
La Mouline | 49.895310 , 5.385940 |
La Nouvresse Haie | 49.933330 , 5.233330 |
La Pellette | 49.866670 , 5.300000 |
La Platinerie | 49.816670 , 5.166670 |
La Rigonel | 49.833330 , 5.033330 |
La Rochette | 49.952780 , 5.125170 |
La Ronchette | 49.850000 , 5.166670 |
La Saute | 50.038980 , 5.362160 |
La Soisse | 49.783330 , 5.016670 |
La Spege | 49.924250 , 5.301790 |
La Taie | 49.883330 , 5.183330 |
La Vieille Rochette | 49.933330 , 5.250000 |
La Vieille Taille | 50.033330 , 5.200000 |
Laherie | 49.863710 , 5.480960 |
Laid Buisson | 49.800000 , 5.416670 |
Laide Fontaine | 50.050000 , 5.316670 |
Laneuville | 49.933540 , 5.494190 |
Laspeche | 49.850000 , 5.016670 |
Launoy | 49.881550 , 5.142230 |
Lavaux | 49.798900 , 5.501300 |
Laviot | 49.834380 , 4.985890 |
Le Banc | 49.816670 , 5.066670 |
Le Bosquet | 49.883330 , 5.166670 |
Le Frety | 49.783330 , 5.383330 |
Le Grand Mininpre | 49.833330 , 5.283330 |
Le Grand Vivier | 50.050000 , 5.050000 |
Le Hochet | 49.966670 , 5.150000 |
Le Hultai | 49.800000 , 5.166670 |
Le Marchat | 49.983330 , 5.183330 |
Le Pre des Forges | 50.066670 , 5.250000 |
Le Sart | 49.814070 , 5.445100 |
Le Steukion | 49.850000 , 5.233330 |
Le Stoc | 49.883330 , 5.200000 |
Le Terme | 49.916670 , 5.133330 |
Le Tombois | 49.933330 , 5.266670 |
Léglise | 49.800807 , 5.535395 |
Les Assences | 49.783330 , 5.166670 |
Les Baraques | 50.016670 , 5.216670 |
Les Belles Plumes | 50.065170 , 5.162670 |
Les Eaumonts | 49.785930 , 5.459420 |
Les Enclaves | 49.798410 , 5.108150 |
Les Etangs de Saint-Roch | 50.050000 , 5.266670 |
Les Fossés | 49.783580 , 5.482290 |
Les Gottes | 50.050000 , 5.366670 |
Les Hautes Virees | 49.933330 , 5.166670 |
Les Hayons | 49.812840 , 5.145580 |
Les Loches | 50.016670 , 5.250000 |
Les Mauleux | 49.766670 , 5.283330 |
Les Mestures | 49.800000 , 5.400000 |
Les Reffes | 49.883330 , 5.116670 |
Les Revoz | 50.066670 , 5.233330 |
Les Rochettes | 49.866670 , 5.233330 |
Les Sehans | 49.833330 , 5.200000 |
Les Speches | 49.966670 , 5.100000 |
Les Trois Bras | 49.816670 , 5.000000 |
Les Trois Ruisseaux | 49.766670 , 5.133330 |
Lesse | 49.991740 , 5.157910 |
Libin | 49.982512 , 5.257338 |
Libin Haut | 49.984500 , 5.254300 |
Libramont | 49.918144 , 5.371649 |
Lohiepre | 49.866670 , 5.383330 |
Loie | 50.016670 , 5.416670 |
Lokry | 49.966670 , 5.200000 |
Lomprez | 50.076250 , 5.091420 |
Longlier | 49.853840 , 5.450090 |
Lorcy | 50.029850 , 5.347380 |
Louftemont | 49.790210 , 5.628000 |
Maissin | 49.964790 , 5.178210 |
Maitereau | 49.966670 , 5.283330 |
Malimont | 50.000000 , 5.183330 |
Marbay | 49.833330 , 5.500000 |
Marfontaine | 49.865960 , 5.508060 |
Martilly | 49.801570 , 5.360950 |
Massul | 49.871670 , 5.510010 |
Mellier | 49.766020 , 5.517520 |
Merleux Han | 49.833330 , 5.016670 |
Merny | 49.901280 , 5.099430 |
Mirwart | 50.056500 , 5.264440 |
Mogimont | 49.850650 , 5.069130 |
Moircy | 49.989450 , 5.467150 |
Molinfaing | 49.878650 , 5.495320 |
Mon Idee | 49.845480 , 5.492510 |
Monseufoy | 50.016670 , 5.033330 |
Mont | 49.993750 , 5.057000 |
Mont Hardeau | 49.900000 , 5.083330 |
Montplainchamps | 49.820390 , 5.418860 |
Mortehan | 49.800190 , 5.212870 |
Namoussart | 49.835230 , 5.499470 |
Narcimont | 49.818410 , 5.553590 |
Neufchâteau | 49.847376 , 5.443806 |
Neufmoulin | 49.866670 , 5.266670 |
Neupont | 50.066670 , 5.133330 |
Neuvillers | 49.901280 , 5.355980 |
Nevraumont | 49.831870 , 5.342770 |
Nimbermont | 49.964180 , 5.506360 |
Nivi | 49.750000 , 5.150000 |
Nobipre | 49.816670 , 5.616670 |
Noirefontaine | 49.820710 , 5.093100 |
Nolinfaing | 49.814340 , 5.432070 |
Nollevaux | 49.871300 , 5.121300 |
Nounait | 49.800000 , 5.183330 |
Nouvelly des Loups | 49.833330 , 5.283330 |
Ochamps | 49.924530 , 5.276790 |
Offagne | 49.885010 , 5.173780 |
Offaing | 49.835110 , 5.476870 |
Opont | 49.934550 , 5.118520 |
Orgeo | 49.833900 , 5.306460 |
Our | 49.959780 , 5.123440 |
Ourt | 49.921750 , 5.422520 |
Pa d'la l'Eau | 49.983330 , 5.066670 |
Paliseul | 49.902553 , 5.131490 |
Perchepet | 49.866670 , 5.416670 |
Petitvoir | 49.843280 , 5.373760 |
Pirot | 50.000000 , 5.050000 |
Piroy | 49.997040 , 5.353600 |
Plaine de Bodimont | 49.800000 , 5.116670 |
Plaine Haie | 50.033330 , 5.416670 |
Plainevaux | 49.861570 , 5.108910 |
Plein de Saint-Michel | 50.083330 , 5.383330 |
Poix Saint-Hubert | 50.018770 , 5.293560 |
Porcheresse | 49.977430 , 5.086460 |
Porte au Sart | 50.016670 , 5.050000 |
Poupehan | 49.811580 , 5.002940 |
Prairies de Gimbes | 50.083330 , 5.333330 |
Pre des Huttes | 49.866670 , 5.316670 |
Pre Piret | 49.783330 , 5.150000 |
Pre-du-Bois | 49.883330 , 5.316670 |
Prefroid | 50.016670 , 5.350000 |
Presseux | 49.915970 , 5.400460 |
Quartier au Dore | 50.066670 , 5.116670 |
Quartier Blancpain | 49.866670 , 5.350000 |
Rancimont | 49.795710 , 5.556580 |
Rancimont | 49.933330 , 5.183330 |
Randoure | 50.000000 , 5.283330 |
Raumont | 50.066670 , 5.066670 |
Recogne | 49.912320 , 5.353700 |
Redu | 50.006950 , 5.160060 |
Remagne | 49.976710 , 5.494210 |
Renaumont | 49.929780 , 5.447330 |
Renochamp | 50.033330 , 5.083330 |
Respelle | 49.883630 , 5.472060 |
Resteigne | 50.083040 , 5.176920 |
Rimanvaux | 49.816670 , 5.600000 |
Rochehaut | 49.840410 , 5.005990 |
Rolibuchy | 49.965710 , 5.256500 |
Rolle | 49.900000 , 5.250000 |
Rond le Duc | 49.766670 , 5.100000 |
Rondu | 49.958790 , 5.506890 |
Rosais | 49.883330 , 5.266670 |
Rossart | 49.847340 , 5.332760 |
Rouges Fosses | 50.000000 , 5.383330 |
S'berchamp | 49.900170 , 5.415100 |
Saint-Eloi | 49.883330 , 5.100000 |
Saint-Hubert | 50.025677 , 5.372411 |
Saint-Medard | 49.815380 , 5.327950 |
Saint-Pierre | 49.903760 , 5.387500 |
Sainte-Marie | 49.922710 , 5.457290 |
Sarrewe | 50.016670 , 5.416670 |
Sart | 49.911930 , 5.192570 |
Sartay | 50.066670 , 5.300000 |
Saupont | 49.850000 , 5.283330 |
Sechery | 50.011360 , 5.147290 |
Selassin | 49.996410 , 5.042300 |
Semel | 49.863760 , 5.427290 |
Sensenruth | 49.824890 , 5.074580 |
Serpont | 49.936750 , 5.350640 |
Seviscourt | 49.956760 , 5.413890 |
Since Jean Gerot | 49.966670 , 5.133330 |
Siom | 50.016670 , 5.483330 |
Slyfays | 49.866670 , 5.150000 |
Smuid | 50.018380 , 5.266570 |
Sohier | 50.066900 , 5.064310 |
Spinet | 49.924770 , 5.403130 |
St.-Hubert | 50.026680 , 5.374010 |
Straimont | 49.796070 , 5.380410 |
Sur la Rochette | 49.836360 , 5.299780 |
Sur les Horlais | 50.022390 , 5.302850 |
Tainiere | 49.916670 , 5.500000 |
Tellin | 50.084183 , 5.219856 |
Terme | 49.783330 , 5.233330 |
Terme de la Hesse | 49.950000 , 5.266670 |
Thibauroche | 49.800000 , 5.200000 |
Thibesart | 49.780940 , 5.552540 |
Thier du Mont | 49.983330 , 5.366670 |
Tienne des Potys | 50.066670 , 5.233330 |
Tournant de Potty | 49.850000 , 5.000000 |
Tournay | 49.854630 , 5.398290 |
Transinne | 49.999650 , 5.203010 |
Triot Masbore | 50.080500 , 5.118930 |
Tronquoy | 49.887600 , 5.451360 |
Trou du Bois | 50.050000 , 5.300000 |
Ucimont | 49.830830 , 5.054430 |
Vaux lez Chene | 49.853560 , 5.553850 |
Verifays | 49.787260 , 5.434130 |
Verlaine | 49.882320 , 5.405070 |
Vesqueville | 50.005730 , 5.396820 |
Villaine | 49.971700 , 5.221360 |
Vinrut | 49.816670 , 4.983330 |
Viree de la Basse Voie | 49.966670 , 5.133330 |
Vivy | 49.867210 , 5.038000 |
Vlessart | 49.795480 , 5.648870 |
Volaiville | 49.873480 , 5.612280 |
Warmifontaine | 49.829850 , 5.390490 |
Wautienaut | 49.783330 , 5.366670 |
Wellin | 50.080140 , 5.121029 |
Wideumont | 49.925700 , 5.485780 |
Winville | 49.883140 , 5.631550 |
Witry | 49.859400 , 5.612790 |
Wittimont | 49.814170 , 5.540010 |
Xaimont | 49.805630 , 5.540780 |
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- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
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