Punilla (Cordoba) Map Cropping Samples

Punilla (Cordoba) Map Cropping Samples-1

Punilla (Cordoba) Map Cropping Samples-2

Punilla neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Punilla with 3D shadow effect

Punilla map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Punilla (geojson format) :
Punilla.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Punilla map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Punilla Map : ( -31.710242 , -64.837858 , -30.67237 , -64.41 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Punilla map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-31.710242, -64.837858, -30.67237, -64.41);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Punilla)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Punilla
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Águila Blanca | -30.868140 , -64.547660 |
Alto San Pedro | -31.047330 , -64.478330 |
Bialet Massé | -31.313130 , -64.460150 |
Canada del Coro | -31.116670 , -64.666670 |
Capilla del Monte | -30.860880 , -64.525150 |
Casa Grande | -31.151370 , -64.472440 |
Cascada de Olaen | -31.177610 , -64.607350 |
Cassaffousth | -31.362060 , -64.451780 |
Cavalango | -31.366670 , -64.566670 |
Charbonier | -30.773020 , -64.543750 |
Copina | -31.564540 , -64.700520 |
Cosquín | -31.245080 , -64.465630 |
Cruz Chica | -30.964970 , -64.483790 |
Cruz Grande | -30.947150 , -64.491230 |
Cuchi Corral | -30.974820 , -64.575180 |
Cuesta Blanca | -31.486580 , -64.571500 |
Cueva de los Indios | -31.150000 , -64.550000 |
Cueva de los Pajaritos | -31.298280 , -64.567970 |
Dolores | -30.905990 , -64.535830 |
El Cóndor | -31.636867 , -64.679431 |
El Durazno | -31.352620 , -64.629320 |
El Perchel | -31.028590 , -64.622740 |
El Retiro | -31.180460 , -64.481900 |
El Rosario | -30.995440 , -64.463540 |
El Zapato | -30.856950 , -64.534910 |
Huerta Grande | -31.075240 , -64.490630 |
La Cuesta | -31.405240 , -64.476320 |
La Cumbre | -30.982010 , -64.491390 |
La Falda | -31.088410 , -64.489870 |
Las Chacras | -31.050000 , -64.550000 |
Las Ensenadas | -31.602560 , -64.761560 |
Las Escobas | -30.733330 , -64.583330 |
Los Cocos | -30.930259 , -64.500217 |
Los Gigantes | -31.394690 , -64.779890 |
Molinari | -31.200000 , -64.483330 |
Olaen | -31.155620 , -64.597080 |
Pintos | -30.951020 , -64.605260 |
San Antonio de Arredondo | -31.479490 , -64.530420 |
San Esteban | -30.925090 , -64.528010 |
San Ignacio | -30.976790 , -64.521300 |
San Jose | -31.249760 , -64.604610 |
San Roque | -31.345880 , -64.461670 |
Santa María | -31.266670 , -64.466670 |
Santa Rosa | -31.255240 , -64.613420 |
Tanti | -31.356010 , -64.592020 |
Tanti Nuevo | -31.350000 , -64.566670 |
Thea | -31.050610 , -64.499270 |
Valle Hermoso | -31.117320 , -64.480840 |
Villa Bustos | -31.268750 , -64.464890 |
Villa Carlos Paz | -31.424140 , -64.497780 |
Villa del Lago | -31.416480 , -64.506660 |
Villa Garcia | -31.346430 , -64.543260 |
Villa Giardino | -31.033330 , -64.483330 |
Villa Icho Cruz | -31.483330 , -64.566670 |
Villa Independencia | -31.455940 , -64.513220 |
Villa Parque Siquiman | -31.347060 , -64.481270 |
Villa Santa Cruz Del Lago | -31.361550 , -64.526010 |
- You can download geometry data for Punilla in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.