Dande (Bengo) Map Cropping Samples

Dande (Bengo) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dande (Bengo) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dande neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dande with 3D shadow effect

Dande map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dande (geojson format) :
Dande.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dande map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dande Map : ( -8.943501 , 13.344556 , -8.050026 , 14.38536 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dande map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](-8.943501, 13.344556, -8.050026, 14.38536);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dande)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dande
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Acucareira | -8.593610 , 13.605560 |
Balacende | -8.266670 , 13.966670 |
Barra do Dande | -8.471750 , 13.370110 |
Boa Vista | -8.605830 , 13.561390 |
Bucula | -8.561110 , 13.645000 |
Bula | -8.590000 , 13.666670 |
Cabocha | -8.583610 , 13.673060 |
Cabungo | -8.574170 , 13.542780 |
Cambambi | -8.580560 , 13.637220 |
Cambambi | -8.594720 , 13.630830 |
Cambondo | -8.405500 , 13.425780 |
Camelembo | -8.516670 , 14.000000 |
Canhonga | -8.750000 , 13.833330 |
Capunga | -8.612780 , 13.602780 |
Cariongo | -8.573890 , 13.679720 |
Cassongue | -8.650000 , 14.250000 |
Catanga | -8.548240 , 13.449420 |
Catumbo | -8.409490 , 13.409440 |
Caxito | -8.578480 , 13.664250 |
Cazeta | -8.366670 , 13.650000 |
Ceramica | -8.396040 , 13.468460 |
Combe | -8.650000 , 13.800000 |
Cumi | -8.572500 , 13.557220 |
Fazenda Palmira | -8.500000 , 13.416670 |
Fita | -8.666670 , 14.233330 |
Fuxi | -8.580830 , 13.677780 |
Gama | -8.567500 , 13.476390 |
Gaspar | -8.800000 , 13.750000 |
Gumba | -8.850000 , 14.050000 |
Ibendua | -8.546670 , 13.520830 |
Imbundo | -8.676390 , 14.360850 |
Lembeca | -8.533610 , 13.733610 |
Lifune | -8.398610 , 13.445310 |
Lobano | -8.716670 , 14.050000 |
Lumege | -8.466670 , 14.100000 |
Mabubas | -8.524320 , 13.686220 |
Malengue | -8.399790 , 13.412930 |
Maunze | -8.483330 , 14.116670 |
Mbanza | -8.613760 , 14.202200 |
Mezanzuiua | -8.450000 , 13.866670 |
Mifuma | -8.585280 , 13.656940 |
Mitonde | -8.601940 , 13.635830 |
Mobemba | -8.766670 , 14.066670 |
Mongua | -8.083330 , 13.766670 |
Muceque Quicoca | -8.638890 , 13.522500 |
Mussenga | -8.630860 , 14.099850 |
Musseque Cabele | -8.522390 , 13.408250 |
Musseque Dembo | -8.543170 , 13.408640 |
Musseque Mafulo | -8.509170 , 13.405740 |
Mutembula | -8.766670 , 13.866670 |
Mutenda | -8.768170 , 14.257930 |
Ngombe do Nzombo | -8.567110 , 14.244540 |
Pambala | -8.357790 , 13.386980 |
Pange | -8.739300 , 14.325790 |
Pango | -8.716670 , 14.166670 |
Pedro Antonio | -8.700000 , 14.283330 |
Pedro Bravo | -8.683330 , 14.250000 |
Quesso | -8.575400 , 14.303490 |
Quibua | -8.666670 , 14.183330 |
Quicabo | -8.316670 , 13.833330 |
Quile | -8.266670 , 13.866670 |
Quilengues | -8.716670 , 13.700000 |
Quimanda | -8.548890 , 13.695280 |
Quindungula | -8.594170 , 13.655000 |
Quingombe | -8.495150 , 13.420450 |
Quingombe | -8.588330 , 13.650280 |
Quinjanda | -8.593890 , 13.553890 |
Quipetelo | -8.575280 , 13.545000 |
Quirindo | -8.603610 , 13.627500 |
Quissacala | -8.583330 , 14.200000 |
Quissari | -8.609170 , 13.611390 |
Quissoma | -8.589440 , 13.612220 |
Quitangola | -8.568330 , 13.676940 |
Quitonhi | -8.569440 , 13.674170 |
Quixiquela | -8.591940 , 13.648330 |
Roca Luis Andrade | -8.550000 , 14.233330 |
Roca Luiza | -8.650000 , 14.166670 |
Santana | -8.586390 , 13.643060 |
Sanvula | -8.380690 , 13.422700 |
Sassa Caria | -8.582500 , 13.600000 |
Sassa Povoacao | -8.555830 , 13.687780 |
Sassalemba | -8.648330 , 13.540830 |
Sebastiao Jose | -8.716670 , 14.283330 |
Sorilo | -8.610000 , 13.578890 |
Sungue | -8.503650 , 13.444710 |
Sungue | -8.514150 , 13.440980 |
Teba | -8.766670 , 14.200000 |
Tege | -8.483330 , 13.916670 |
Tentativa | -8.600000 , 13.616670 |
Terra Nova | -8.373340 , 13.482310 |
Terreiro | -8.571670 , 13.502500 |
Tombe | -8.450000 , 14.100000 |
Ucua | -8.651570 , 14.156530 |
Ulua | -8.534780 , 13.474540 |
- You can download geometry data for Dande in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.