Tani (Khowst) Map Cropping Samples

Tani (Khowst) Map Cropping Samples-1

Tani (Khowst) Map Cropping Samples-2

Tani neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Tani with 3D shadow effect

Tani map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Tani (geojson format) :
Tani.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Tani map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Tani Map : ( 33.089405 , 69.5759877085 , 33.3002861723 , 69.9261825 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Tani map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](33.089405, 69.5759877085, 33.3002861723, 69.9261825);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Tani)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Tani
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
'Abd ul Hamid Kotkay | 33.254220 , 69.859190 |
'Alam Khel | 33.157150 , 69.697730 |
'Azmat Kelay | 33.275250 , 69.859740 |
'Id Akbar Kelay | 33.275770 , 69.842520 |
'Isa Khel | 33.164880 , 69.760200 |
Baday Kot | 33.212250 , 69.766070 |
Bakhtyar Kot | 33.207970 , 69.765290 |
Barankotkay | 33.217990 , 69.797750 |
Chichondai Kamar | 33.121530 , 69.881540 |
Dabar | 33.182340 , 69.650900 |
Derogeh | 33.241360 , 69.829530 |
Dir Malik Kelay | 33.264530 , 69.845310 |
Dur Kotki | 33.266680 , 69.816660 |
Faqiran | 33.146720 , 69.670440 |
Faqiri Kelay | 33.231960 , 69.852410 |
Gulap Khel | 33.215000 , 69.820210 |
Hajim Khan Kelay | 33.267250 , 69.785650 |
Hashim Kot | 33.200370 , 69.788540 |
Isma'il Khel | 33.271720 , 69.778720 |
Jum'ah Khan Kelay | 33.235480 , 69.847520 |
Kamkai Manah | 33.120630 , 69.660490 |
Khal Momin Kelay | 33.197780 , 69.753430 |
Khan Qul Kala | 33.279070 , 69.859970 |
Khandakay | 33.222170 , 69.693600 |
Khanogi Kelay | 33.222830 , 69.851240 |
Khisarak | 33.236810 , 69.709460 |
Kochon | 33.154600 , 69.623440 |
Kosha | 33.275030 , 69.694510 |
Kunday | 33.141500 , 69.668750 |
Lagharah | 33.259710 , 69.739790 |
Laghori | 33.261250 , 69.777890 |
Lalmay | 33.264790 , 69.821910 |
Landay | 33.195320 , 69.811040 |
Lezikalay | 33.203580 , 69.861840 |
Mandatah | 33.164540 , 69.728920 |
Matak | 33.190790 , 69.678440 |
Mayob Kala | 33.254600 , 69.847730 |
Mazar Kelay | 33.228500 , 69.784530 |
Melan | 33.118480 , 69.740030 |
Migi Kala | 33.253720 , 69.771890 |
Mir Baz Kelay | 33.238250 , 69.841870 |
Mir Khatam Kala | 33.229280 , 69.778290 |
Mir Zaman Kelay | 33.228110 , 69.850880 |
Mira Jan Kelay | 33.232950 , 69.782630 |
Mirdad Kotkey | 33.255000 , 69.873120 |
Mizagay | 33.188030 , 69.700990 |
Morez Kelay | 33.255550 , 69.787560 |
Muni Kelay | 33.261630 , 69.874940 |
Mya Khan Kelay | 33.267680 , 69.799160 |
Naji Khan Kelay | 33.260200 , 69.886600 |
Narizah | 33.156200 , 69.704270 |
Naysaray | 33.165250 , 69.735990 |
Noshpah | 33.176950 , 69.657780 |
Patlan | 33.243160 , 69.884800 |
Peshan | 33.145990 , 69.667830 |
Qasim Qul Kelay | 33.264290 , 69.856160 |
Rowshanah | 33.195210 , 69.705760 |
Sabir Kala | 33.216810 , 69.766870 |
Sahibuddin Kala | 33.271070 , 69.754620 |
Salih Kelay | 33.269480 , 69.758710 |
Salih Muhammad Kelay | 33.260300 , 69.803770 |
Sangeray | 33.178260 , 69.731900 |
Sayyid Kelay | 33.271660 , 69.847090 |
Sayyid Nasim Kelay | 33.258100 , 69.849570 |
Shabo Khel | 33.168670 , 69.757440 |
Shahbaz Kelay | 33.247450 , 69.760010 |
Shamali Kala | 33.210290 , 69.797530 |
Shamandkay | 33.176180 , 69.677730 |
Shamshi Khel | 33.156090 , 69.674800 |
Sherghak Kelay | 33.252720 , 69.779100 |
Shodiyaki Kelay | 33.152330 , 69.827180 |
Spindad Kotkey | 33.226460 , 69.829280 |
Spinzhiray Kelay | 33.184200 , 69.830190 |
Sre Kelay | 33.163180 , 69.763490 |
Ster Kelay | 33.138650 , 69.663290 |
Sterah Kharah | 33.131620 , 69.676510 |
Sterah Manah | 33.111280 , 69.648590 |
Sur Kot | 33.157980 , 69.691090 |
Tabad Khel | 33.226610 , 69.771230 |
Tanday | 33.124070 , 69.650330 |
Tor Khel | 33.199130 , 69.708200 |
Torah Tizhah | 33.119720 , 69.624070 |
Tsaperai | 33.134520 , 69.657060 |
Tsundzay | 33.111000 , 69.701220 |
Walam Kelay | 33.260460 , 69.831690 |
Wali Baz Kotkey | 33.248100 , 69.855720 |
Wali Gul Kelay | 33.246430 , 69.786670 |
Wali Mir Khan Kelay | 33.243170 , 69.792960 |
Wali Mir Khan Kelay | 33.237180 , 69.754990 |
Waridze | 33.118070 , 69.607400 |
Wazir Gul Kot | 33.204670 , 69.793900 |
Worghar | 33.183710 , 69.703310 |
Yaronkotkay | 33.223920 , 69.828800 |
Zahir Kala | 33.271050 , 69.875790 |
Zarmat Kelay | 33.259100 , 69.810040 |
Zindah Khel | 33.166540 , 69.753900 |
Zukum Khel | 33.283800 , 69.861050 |
- You can download geometry data for Tani in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.