Qarabagh (Kabul) Map Cropping Samples

Qarabagh (Kabul) Map Cropping Samples-1

Qarabagh (Kabul) Map Cropping Samples-2

Qarabagh neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Qarabagh with 3D shadow effect

Qarabagh map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Qarabagh (geojson format) :
Qarabagh.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Qarabagh map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Qarabagh Map : ( 34.760989 , 69.031748 , 34.905 , 69.330166 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Qarabagh map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](34.760989, 69.031748, 34.905, 69.330166);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Qarabagh)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Qarabagh
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
Aghilak | 34.893100 , 69.098360 |
Ashraf Khel | 34.876570 , 69.236060 |
Bagh-e Zaghan | 34.848950 , 69.206420 |
Baghariq-e 'Ulya | 34.811150 , 69.161350 |
Baghariq-e Sufla | 34.817600 , 69.163300 |
Baytani | 34.862870 , 69.167290 |
Chashmah-ye Kharuti | 34.801510 , 69.272310 |
Chowni | 34.881670 , 69.240740 |
Dowzai | 34.820620 , 69.175920 |
Galowan | 34.845770 , 69.155940 |
Giya Khel | 34.866570 , 69.178430 |
Jarchi | 34.879780 , 69.200590 |
Kakal | 34.868050 , 69.183640 |
Kakaran | 34.847500 , 69.163420 |
Khwajah Shoab | 34.876980 , 69.099250 |
Langar | 34.816400 , 69.192320 |
Logariha | 34.862300 , 69.093600 |
Miyan Joy | 34.858510 , 69.185690 |
Mughul Beg | 34.803920 , 69.141260 |
Nangi Khel | 34.872120 , 69.175200 |
Nar-e Kalan | 34.866210 , 69.211380 |
Orya Khel | 34.873120 , 69.186800 |
Pashah'i | 34.898780 , 69.099550 |
Paytawah | 34.880980 , 69.208530 |
Postindoz | 34.830070 , 69.175620 |
Puhinda | 34.894640 , 69.098940 |
Qal'ah-ye Allahrahm | 34.819360 , 69.211500 |
Qal'ah-ye Baz | 34.806360 , 69.159490 |
Qal'ah-ye Gudir | 34.837620 , 69.206820 |
Qal'ah-ye Haji | 34.831520 , 69.145880 |
Qal'ah-ye Kuhnah | 34.862100 , 69.190710 |
Qal'ah-ye Musa Bala | 34.890710 , 69.217520 |
Qal'ah-ye Nowroz | 34.805150 , 69.169210 |
Qal'ah-ye Qazi | 34.824510 , 69.184370 |
Qal'ah-ye Regi | 34.825000 , 69.164700 |
Qal'ah-ye Saman | 34.867700 , 69.220130 |
Qal'ah-ye Shahi | 34.857470 , 69.215620 |
Qal'ah-ye Sher | 34.892040 , 69.112310 |
Qarah Bagh | 34.842950 , 69.151880 |
Qarah Bagh Bazar | 34.852900 , 69.170620 |
Qarah Bagh Karez | 34.851950 , 69.190250 |
Qarah Bagh-e Kalan | 34.845510 , 69.179160 |
Qorqol | 34.841730 , 69.164820 |
Sardar Beg | 34.856010 , 69.177300 |
- You can download geometry data for Qarabagh in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.