Dushi (Baghlan) Map Cropping Samples

Dushi (Baghlan) Map Cropping Samples-1

Dushi (Baghlan) Map Cropping Samples-2

Dushi neighborhoods and villages map with 3D shadow effect

flag map of Dushi with 3D shadow effect

Dushi map with 3d shadow effect
Download outline map of Dushi (geojson format) :
Dushi.geojson (**)
Download polygon array of Dushi map for "Google Maps" :
Bounding Box for Dushi Map : ( 35.363555 , 68.205295 , 35.961467 , 69.016981 )
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with boundary box of Dushi map
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](35.363555, 68.205295, 35.961467, 69.016981);
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Get Boundaries from overpass-turbo (OSM) with place name (Dushi)
out geom;
Run this query on overpass-turbo (Click RUN button on the opened page!)
Neighborhoods and Villages of Dushi
Neighborhoods and Villages | Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) |
'Alam 'Ali | 35.578160 , 68.461070 |
Afghan-e Doshi | 35.625610 , 68.688640 |
Ahangar | 35.607410 , 68.699130 |
Akhundzadah Khel | 35.852670 , 68.764750 |
Arsala Khan Kelay | 35.815140 , 68.766910 |
Awaran | 35.547920 , 68.808890 |
Bagh-e Balinah | 35.542950 , 68.524540 |
Bagh-e Mulla Shah | 35.593730 , 68.677440 |
Bagh-e Qazi | 35.743840 , 68.788480 |
Bilowsang | 35.596320 , 68.771710 |
Chahar Dar | 35.396810 , 68.609230 |
Chahar Maghza | 35.629830 , 68.394910 |
Chaharbagh | 35.600230 , 68.577960 |
Chakhak | 35.594850 , 68.602190 |
Chap Darreh | 35.601670 , 68.251110 |
Chaqmaq Shaykh | 35.599920 , 68.726020 |
Chihil Ghori | 35.616780 , 68.682820 |
Chihil Kapah-ye Larkhaw | 35.821230 , 68.808290 |
Chilonah | 35.595800 , 68.515730 |
Chuqurak Deh | 35.526830 , 68.343410 |
Dahan-e Ahan Folad | 35.620650 , 68.333080 |
Dahan-e Bibi Darah | 35.401260 , 68.641510 |
Dahan-e Darah-ye Ghori | 35.760800 , 68.918730 |
Dahan-e Khwajah Safa | 35.763490 , 68.841700 |
Dahan-e Kuru | 35.597180 , 68.797480 |
Dahan-e Quriq Say | 35.605700 , 68.279880 |
Dahan-e Sili | 35.748830 , 68.806170 |
Dahan-e Siyah Qol | 35.558000 , 68.409990 |
Dahan-e Turmosh | 35.498980 , 68.330350 |
Dakah | 35.840700 , 68.787050 |
Darahgak | 35.603860 , 68.637420 |
Doshi | 35.609180 , 68.684730 |
Gambar | 35.490200 , 68.325220 |
Gastoghay | 35.579710 , 68.484020 |
Ghirozar | 35.571060 , 68.439900 |
Giro Joy | 35.615290 , 68.315280 |
Hazarah Khan Kelay | 35.784100 , 68.790410 |
Iskar | 35.554560 , 68.523040 |
Jam-e Sayyid | 35.558390 , 68.387430 |
Jangal Miri | 35.642860 , 68.707630 |
Jolan | 35.624260 , 68.320290 |
Joybar | 35.792750 , 68.807340 |
Kalan Guzar | 35.567830 , 68.429850 |
Karadaka | 35.836670 , 68.788330 |
Karkunjak | 35.602000 , 68.823130 |
Kirmish-e Bala | 35.617540 , 68.290050 |
Kirmish-e Pa'in | 35.612590 , 68.293550 |
Kokbari | 35.598680 , 68.736350 |
Koragah | 35.628640 , 68.385330 |
Kundah Sang | 35.590550 , 68.598780 |
Kuru | 35.562270 , 68.810480 |
Lar-e Badak | 35.582120 , 68.453120 |
Lobiah | 35.505110 , 68.343250 |
Lukhtoghay | 35.608050 , 68.511320 |
Mian Deh | 35.519400 , 68.714540 |
Mingak | 35.764070 , 68.858340 |
Muroy-e Bala | 35.571830 , 68.642080 |
Mushkani | 35.581430 , 68.810750 |
Palpayah | 35.717890 , 68.964260 |
Paytow Joy | 35.391260 , 68.700550 |
Pitawak | 35.764570 , 68.888780 |
Qal'ah-ye Ayshan | 35.763360 , 68.905320 |
Qal'ah-ye Kayan | 35.634680 , 68.427290 |
Qalughu | 35.592150 , 68.494370 |
Qaramat | 35.666110 , 68.725630 |
Qol-e Iskar | 35.569380 , 68.518970 |
Rabat | 35.594480 , 68.544420 |
Sang Sulakh | 35.768220 , 68.775110 |
Sar-e Band | 35.546130 , 68.379600 |
Sar-e Bayd | 35.515520 , 68.530220 |
Sar-e Lar | 35.528270 , 68.348800 |
Sar-e Sang | 35.593250 , 68.529040 |
Sayyid Khel | 35.796260 , 68.764960 |
Seh Pistah | 35.537260 , 68.360820 |
Shah Hasan | 35.623990 , 68.371970 |
Shalizar | 35.588090 , 68.484270 |
Shorahzar | 35.760500 , 68.813790 |
Siyah Sang | 35.587130 , 68.489420 |
Talkhian | 35.399300 , 68.683220 |
Taporak | 35.827470 , 68.770000 |
Ughursang | 35.591510 , 68.756050 |
Zaghan | 35.557270 , 68.382760 |
Zamuchak | 35.595970 , 68.715230 |
Zarghah | 35.568340 , 68.581900 |
Zorabi | 35.797710 , 68.776910 |
Zulfaqar | 35.616780 , 68.670310 |
- You can download geometry data for Dushi in various formats (Geojson,KML,GPX,raw OSM data) by clicking export button on the overpass-turbo
- You can freely use the jpeg type map images you created on the "map cropping" page or downloaded from the "samples" pages.
- (**)
Terms of Use for downloaded geojson files.