Muestras de recorte de mapas Knox (Tennessee)

Muestras de recorte de mapas Knox (Tennessee)-1
Muestras de recorte de mapas Knox (Tennessee)-1

Muestras de recorte de mapas Knox (Tennessee)-2
Muestras de recorte de mapas Knox (Tennessee)-2

Mapa de barrios y pueblos de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D
Mapa de barrios y pueblos de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de la bandera de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D
Mapa de la bandera de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D
Mapa de Knox con efecto de sombra 3D

Crea y descarga mapas físicos y topográficos gratuitos para Knox.

Descargar mapa general de Knox (formato Geojson) : Knox.geojson (**)
Descargar la matriz poligonal del mapa de Knox para "Google Maps" : Knox.txt
Cuadro delimitador para el mapa Knox: ( 35.793806 , -84.27347 , 36.186479 , -83.65091 )
ID de Wikipedia para Knox: Q495003
Consulta Wikipedia SPARQL para Knox (población, elevación, área, latitud, longitud, código postal, matrícula):
SELECT ?población ?altitud ?área ?latitud ?longitud ?código_postal ?placa
OPTIONAL { wd:Q495003 wdt:P1082 ?población. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q495003 wdt:P2044 ?altitud. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q495003 wdt:P2046 ?área. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q495003 wdt:P281 ?código_postal. }
OPTIONAL { wd:Q495003 wdt:P395 ?placa. }
wd:Q495003 p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?latitud.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?longitud.

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Ejecutar esta consulta con la API SPARQL

Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con el cuadro de límites del mapa Knox
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](35.793806, -84.27347, 36.186479, -83.65091);
out geom;

Ejecutar esta consulta en overpass-turbo (¡Haga clic en el botón EJECUTAR en la página abierta!)

Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con nombre de lugar (Knox)
out geom;

Ejecutar esta consulta en overpass-turbo (¡Haga clic en el botón EJECUTAR en la página abierta!)

Barrios y Pueblos de Knox
Barrios y PueblosCoordenadas (Latitud, Longitud)
Aldenwood Park 35.894250 , -84.027410
Amber Meadows 35.916470 , -84.166860
Amherst 35.958690 , -84.031580
Antioch 36.080640 , -83.779900
Arminda 36.050920 , -83.796290
Arrowhead 35.885640 , -83.937410
Asbury 35.952580 , -83.825740
Audubon Hills 35.859520 , -84.165190
Ball Camp 35.952860 , -84.121860
Beaver Creek Estates 35.979440 , -84.153330
Beech Grove 36.145360 , -83.914360
Beechwood 35.869530 , -83.970460
Bell Bridge 36.017300 , -84.050190
Belmont West 35.935910 , -84.105750
Berkshire Wood 35.946470 , -84.086300
Beverly 36.031750 , -83.901020
Blue Grass 35.864800 , -84.059630
Blueberry Hills 36.115640 , -83.957130
Bonneville Estates 35.995640 , -84.084360
Bonny Kate 35.883420 , -83.899630
Boxwood Hills 35.900640 , -84.134640
Brentwood 35.956190 , -84.095190
Briarwood Estates 36.022860 , -83.992410
Broad Acres 36.031750 , -84.047690
Burchfield Heights 35.988410 , -84.182420
Byington 35.968140 , -84.118250
Byrd Chapel 35.925080 , -84.169080
Camelot 35.996750 , -84.109080
Canby Hills 35.950080 , -84.061020
Carpenter Addition 36.045360 , -83.810180
Carter 36.020920 , -83.714070
Caswell 36.026470 , -83.842960
Cedar Bluff 35.926470 , -84.094360
Cedar Crest North 36.067860 , -83.983240
Cedar Flats 36.047580 , -83.975740
Cedar Grove 36.124520 , -83.994080
Cedarchase 36.074530 , -83.898520
Cherokee Ridge 36.004530 , -84.016860
Cherrybrook 36.012860 , -84.011580
Choto Estates 35.821750 , -84.147140
Clear Springs 36.147030 , -83.880470
Concord 35.868690 , -84.141860
Copper Ridge 36.132300 , -83.913520
Corinth 36.065080 , -83.884630
Corryton 36.153690 , -83.782410
Countryside 35.956190 , -84.055750
Crenshaw 35.888420 , -83.937680
Crestwood Hills 35.928690 , -84.075470
Crossfield 35.910920 , -83.827680
Cumberland Estates 35.983970 , -84.012690
Dante 36.026750 , -83.992970
Dry Gap 36.055640 , -83.970470
Eastwood 36.027860 , -83.784620
Ebenezer 35.896190 , -84.070470
Echo Valley 35.905080 , -84.063240
Emory Estates 36.076470 , -83.973520
Farmington 35.868140 , -84.069630
Farragut 35.873134 , -84.182114
Farrington 35.888970 , -84.062690
Fieldview 36.062860 , -83.958240
Forks of the River 35.959810 , -83.837680
Fountaincrest 36.074250 , -83.941580
Fox Fire 35.876470 , -84.064080
Franklin Hill 35.901750 , -84.110470
Freeway 36.083410 , -83.941850
Galewood 35.898140 , -84.029910
Garland 35.858140 , -84.108250
Glen Arden 35.953410 , -84.077690
Glenwood 36.038140 , -84.002690
Golden Meadows 35.975910 , -84.102690
Grandview 35.909250 , -83.858510
Graveston 36.159530 , -83.825460
Green Valley 35.923690 , -84.065470
Greenwood Forest 36.055360 , -83.937410
Gulf Park 35.933140 , -84.109640
Gulfwood 35.930360 , -84.086300
Hallbrook 36.082300 , -83.919350
Harbison Crossroads 36.120920 , -83.852690
Heather Heights 35.992300 , -84.087140
Heiskell 36.081750 , -84.053800
Hendron 35.900090 , -83.818510
Hickory Woods 35.884800 , -84.198530
Hidden Valley 35.937860 , -84.083800
High Bluff 35.891750 , -83.843230
Highland Park 36.050640 , -83.925460
Highland View 36.103140 , -83.970740
Holiday Hills 35.971470 , -84.017970
Homestead 36.085640 , -83.911020
Hunting Hills West 35.959520 , -84.059360
Huntingdon Place 36.109530 , -83.882130
Idlewood Acres 36.028970 , -84.007690
Imperial Estates 35.989520 , -84.096300
John Sevier 36.040080 , -83.815460
Johnson Road 35.950080 , -83.861850
Karns 35.982020 , -84.113800
Kensington 35.884800 , -84.056020
Kimberlin Heights 35.930640 , -83.751290
King Arthur Court 35.999250 , -84.114640
Kings Valley 36.042030 , -83.847130
Kingston Hills 35.914530 , -84.040740
Kingston Woods 35.907030 , -84.043520
Knoxville 35.969059 , -83.949589
Lakewood 36.013410 , -84.031860
Lakewood 35.871470 , -84.106860
Landmark 35.946470 , -84.057130
Lazy Acres 36.007580 , -84.057140
Lincoln Park 35.997580 , -83.930740
Lovell 35.895640 , -84.137140
Lovell Heights 35.897020 , -84.129080
Lyonton 36.040090 , -83.715460
Maloneyville 36.086470 , -83.835180
Mapleview 36.088140 , -83.986020
Marbledale 35.957860 , -83.818510
Mascot 36.067338 , -83.764923
Mayview Heights 36.046190 , -84.009630
McMillan 36.043700 , -83.791290
Meadowbrook 35.967300 , -84.080470
Middlebrook Acres 35.941190 , -84.060470
Midway 35.980920 , -83.694060
Mill Run 36.085080 , -83.899910
Millertown 36.040920 , -83.843520
Mockingbird Hill 35.900360 , -83.982410
Montvue 35.920910 , -84.042130
Moshina Heights 35.985360 , -83.801570
Mount Olive 35.908140 , -83.939070
Mule Hollow 35.980080 , -83.850460
Murphy Hills 36.064530 , -83.919910
Mynatt 36.106750 , -83.887960
Neubert 35.893420 , -83.841570
Neubert Springs 35.879250 , -83.874350
New Hopewell 35.928420 , -83.800460
Northbrook 36.048690 , -83.981580
Northhampton Acres 36.001750 , -84.088250
Northridge Estates 36.058610 , -83.929440
Northshore Woods 35.896190 , -84.026300
Oak Grove 36.042300 , -83.878240
Oak Grove Heights 35.967300 , -84.111860
Oak Park 36.061390 , -83.931390
Oakland 36.031750 , -83.910740
Oxmore Hills 35.994250 , -84.104640
Pedigo 36.101190 , -83.993250
Peters Mill 35.967310 , -83.702120
Pine Springs 35.876190 , -84.077410
Pleasant Hills 35.995640 , -84.001850
Plum Creek 35.941190 , -84.135750
Ponderosa Hills 36.045360 , -84.033520
Powell Heights 36.039250 , -84.030190
Ramsey 35.977310 , -83.844350
Rennbore 35.929520 , -84.121030
Ridgeview Heights 36.102300 , -83.840180
Rifle Range Estates 36.052220 , -83.941940
Ritta 36.057300 , -83.866850
Riverbend 35.895360 , -83.976300
Riverdale 35.964250 , -83.763510
Robinson Crossroads 35.949250 , -84.158810
Rothwood 35.916750 , -84.017410
Sentertown 36.050640 , -83.829900
Seven Islands 35.948140 , -83.703790
Sevenoaks 35.907300 , -84.094910
Sevier Home 35.895920 , -83.872680
Shadow Wood 36.011750 , -84.039630
Shady Grove 35.821750 , -84.179080
Shipetown 36.074530 , -83.762960
Shooks 35.913700 , -83.828510
Skaggston 36.087580 , -83.759900
Solway 35.980080 , -84.181310
Southbrook 35.912580 , -83.886570
Spanish Trails 35.948690 , -84.091580
Spring Place 36.023970 , -83.854350
Station West 35.894520 , -84.172690
Still Brook 36.098690 , -83.927130
Stock Creek 35.872030 , -83.893240
Stonebrook 35.950910 , -84.056860
Stony Point 35.989530 , -83.722120
Suburban Hills 35.914800 , -84.067970
Sumter Hills 36.127860 , -83.931860
Sunrise 36.073140 , -83.791290
Sweet Briar 35.897020 , -84.165190
Tan Rara Oesta 35.882860 , -84.113800
Tekoa 35.987860 , -84.041860
Temple Acres 36.100360 , -83.925190
Ten Mile 35.913410 , -84.079630
Thorn Grove 36.004530 , -83.693230
Three Points 36.063420 , -83.771010
Timberlake 35.912030 , -83.965460
Topside 35.875920 , -83.959630
Trails End 35.954250 , -84.108800
Trails West 35.914800 , -84.052130
Treeville 36.002860 , -84.083250
Trentville 36.027860 , -83.720180
Twin Springs 35.908410 , -84.160190
Twinville 36.142860 , -83.985470
Valley Grove 35.892860 , -83.795730
Volunteer Village 35.981390 , -84.155000
Washington Heights 36.013690 , -84.073520
Wedgewood Hills 35.903690 , -84.081020
West Emory 35.880080 , -84.090470
West Forest 35.947300 , -84.051580
West Knoxville Mobile Park 35.935280 , -84.124170
Westlyn 35.914800 , -84.028240
Westminister Ridge 35.909530 , -83.990740
Wexford Downs 35.979250 , -84.153250
Whispering Hills 36.056750 , -83.994910
Whites Village 35.935640 , -83.869630
Wood Creek West 35.946470 , -84.134640
Woodchase 35.888410 , -84.190750
Wooddale 36.015090 , -83.759620
Wooded Acres 35.976750 , -84.029080
Woodfield Park 35.905640 , -83.831290
Woodland Trace 35.900080 , -84.034910
Wyricktown 36.055640 , -83.732960
Zacharytown 36.139250 , -83.727680

- Puede descargar datos de geometría para Knox en varios formatos (Geojson, KML, GPX, datos OSM sin procesar) haciendo clic en el botón exportar en "overpass-turbo"
- Puede utilizar libremente las imágenes de mapas tipo jpeg que creó en la página "recorte de mapas" o que descargó de las páginas de "muestras".
- (**) Condiciones de Uso para archivos geojson descargados.

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