Muestras de recorte de mapas Renfrew (Ontario)

Muestras de recorte de mapas Renfrew (Ontario)-1

Muestras de recorte de mapas Renfrew (Ontario)-2

Mapa de barrios y pueblos de Renfrew con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de la bandera de Renfrew con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de Renfrew con efecto de sombra 3D
Descargar mapa general de Renfrew (formato Geojson) :
Renfrew.geojson (**)
Descargar la matriz poligonal del mapa de Renfrew para "Google Maps" :
Cuadro delimitador para el mapa Renfrew: ( 45.099259 , -78.412486 , 46.292742 , -76.296217 )
Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con el cuadro de límites del mapa Renfrew
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](45.099259, -78.412486, 46.292742, -76.296217);
out geom;
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Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con nombre de lugar (Renfrew)
out geom;
Ejecutar esta consulta en overpass-turbo (¡Haga clic en el botón EJECUTAR en la página abierta!)
Barrios y Pueblos de Renfrew
Barrios y Pueblos | Coordenadas (Latitud, Longitud) |
Admaston | 45.475160 , -76.810290 |
Admaston/Bromley | 45.495484 , -76.868768 |
Alice | 45.757220 , -77.290000 |
Allans Corners | 45.678060 , -77.095560 |
Arnprior | 45.434831 , -76.343395 |
Augsburg | 45.528340 , -77.183170 |
Baelstadt | 45.916820 , -77.349470 |
Balaclava | 45.390560 , -76.948890 |
Balsam Hill | 45.488450 , -76.823950 |
Balvenie | 45.263060 , -77.065000 |
Barrett Chute | 45.250690 , -76.755230 |
Barry's Bay | 45.481919 , -77.678575 |
Barryvale | 45.281110 , -76.727500 |
Beachburg | 45.733410 , -76.849430 |
Behnke Wood | 45.916820 , -77.349470 |
Belangers Corner | 45.401940 , -76.715830 |
Bissett Creek | 46.216820 , -78.066230 |
Black Bay | 45.874170 , -77.360560 |
Black Donald | 45.224840 , -76.903710 |
Bonnechere Valley | 45.455020 , -77.155974 |
Braeside | 45.466810 , -76.399390 |
Brindle Crossing | 45.933420 , -77.332770 |
Bromley | 45.539640 , -76.884030 |
Bruceton | 45.216820 , -77.382770 |
Brudenell | 45.444620 , -77.396580 |
Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan | 45.312365 , -77.422073 |
Brumsfield | 45.817220 , -77.135280 |
Budd Mills | 45.637280 , -77.255130 |
Bulgers Corners | 45.593610 , -77.021940 |
Burnstown | 45.382270 , -76.586282 |
Calabogie | 45.301520 , -76.721650 |
Camel Chute | 45.189720 , -77.114440 |
Castile | 45.492990 , -77.322360 |
Centre Lake Junction | 45.928330 , -77.501670 |
Chalk River | 46.016820 , -77.449480 |
Chats Haven | 45.434940 , -76.342930 |
Chenaux | 45.572220 , -76.716390 |
Clay Bank | 45.389180 , -76.417090 |
Clay Valley | 45.426890 , -76.440970 |
Clontarf | 45.411560 , -77.135890 |
Cobden | 45.633410 , -76.882730 |
Combermere | 45.366820 , -77.616190 |
Connaught | 45.638890 , -77.005280 |
Constant Creek | 45.414610 , -77.012610 |
Copp | 45.468610 , -77.451670 |
Cormac | 45.468317 , -77.295341 |
Cotieville | 45.479890 , -76.717100 |
Cotnam Island | 45.798890 , -77.031940 |
Dacre | 45.366810 , -76.966140 |
Davis Mills | 45.756390 , -77.203890 |
Deacon | 45.598920 , -77.366700 |
Deep River | 46.065638 , -77.431815 |
Deux-Rivières | 46.252879 , -78.288230 |
Dewars | 45.476670 , -76.477780 |
Donegal | 45.502360 , -77.136890 |
Douglas | 45.504918 , -77.011177 |
Eganville | 45.533410 , -77.099450 |
Esmonde | 45.391390 , -77.055560 |
Fairview | 45.786940 , -77.130830 |
Ferguslea | 45.434900 , -76.742840 |
Fergusons Beach | 45.517610 , -76.571260 |
Forest Lea | 45.825830 , -77.214170 |
Foresters Falls | 45.705939 , -76.740188 |
Foymount | 45.434320 , -77.305570 |
Fremo Corners | 45.437980 , -76.834860 |
French Settlement | 45.737780 , -77.079170 |
Garden of Eden | 45.552880 , -76.740830 |
German Settlement | 45.522100 , -77.452520 |
Germanicus | 45.616680 , -77.177930 |
Golden | 45.579000 , -77.262833 |
Golden Lake | 45.583420 , -77.232760 |
Goshen | 45.451810 , -76.588730 |
Government Road | 45.776940 , -77.045560 |
Grants Settlement | 45.712310 , -76.741810 |
Greater Madawaska | 45.272879 , -76.906102 |
Green Lake | 45.669440 , -77.119440 |
Greenwood | 45.769170 , -77.023330 |
Griffith | 45.242220 , -77.169170 |
Guiney | 45.306390 , -77.440000 |
Haley Station | 45.566810 , -76.782720 |
Halfway | 45.417220 , -77.577780 |
Hampelsfield | 45.813060 , -77.130000 |
Hardwood Lake | 45.210830 , -77.440560 |
Harriets Corners | 45.415100 , -77.450350 |
Head, Clara and Maria | 46.175116 , -78.061471 |
Hoffman | 45.882520 , -77.255980 |
Hopefield | 45.463610 , -77.530280 |
Horton | 45.506631 , -76.648977 |
Huckabones Corners | 45.702780 , -77.085000 |
Hurds Lake | 45.405830 , -76.683890 |
Hyndford | 45.482610 , -76.986660 |
Indian Landing | 45.916820 , -77.282770 |
Jewellville | 45.330950 , -77.520650 |
Jorgens | 45.916820 , -77.332770 |
Kaszuby | 45.433420 , -77.582790 |
Kellys Corner | 45.555000 , -77.001390 |
Kerr Line | 45.649990 , -76.745980 |
Khartum | 45.265000 , -77.098060 |
Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards | 45.614720 , -77.515951 |
Kramer Subdivision | 45.870830 , -77.233890 |
Lake Clear | 45.457700 , -77.239860 |
Landry Crossing | 45.966820 , -77.366180 |
Latchford Bridge | 45.295680 , -77.471500 |
Laurentian Hills | 45.988109 , -77.513036 |
Laurentian Valley | 45.746298 , -77.241466 |
Ledgerwoods Corner | 45.724720 , -76.834720 |
Letterkenny | 45.367780 , -77.422780 |
Letts Corners | 45.576670 , -77.102220 |
Lochwinnoch | 45.478510 , -76.532480 |
Locksley | 45.729170 , -77.131390 |
Lost Nation | 45.380980 , -77.394730 |
Lower Dacre | 45.365810 , -76.943190 |
Lower Stafford | 45.687400 , -77.008630 |
Lundys Corners | 45.433060 , -76.520280 |
Mackey | 46.177297 , -77.795144 |
Madawaska Valley | 45.509083 , -77.688207 |
Mansfield | 45.437780 , -76.372780 |
Martins Corner | 45.474620 , -76.898100 |
Mayhews Landing | 45.326670 , -77.586390 |
McDougall | 45.465970 , -76.824360 |
McGrath | 45.482800 , -77.088170 |
McLarens Settlement | 45.615280 , -76.702220 |
McNab-Braeside | 45.417518 , -76.492731 |
Meilleurs Bay | 46.170280 , -77.629720 |
Micksburg | 45.663650 , -77.038170 |
Midway Crossing | 45.916820 , -77.316170 |
Millars Corner | 45.665590 , -76.764320 |
Mink Lake | 45.556000 , -77.044430 |
Montgomery Crossing | 45.916820 , -77.299470 |
Moor Lake | 46.140100 , -77.689330 |
Moores Lake | 45.447530 , -76.826770 |
Mountain View | 46.065000 , -77.472500 |
Mud Lake | 45.566810 , -77.182760 |
Newfoundout | 45.388500 , -77.107720 |
North Algona Wilberforce | 45.614985 , -77.192274 |
Northcote | 45.507220 , -76.814720 |
O'Grady Settlement | 45.490560 , -77.493890 |
Oakgrove | 45.462610 , -76.815480 |
Old Road Crossing | 45.916820 , -77.316170 |
Palmer Rapids | 45.328375 , -77.534894 |
Paugh Lake | 45.572620 , -77.647430 |
Pembroke | 45.821943 , -77.116799 |
Perrault | 45.446390 , -77.053060 |
Perretton | 45.754560 , -76.950260 |
Petawawa | 45.894200 , -77.308593 |
Pikwakanagan | 45.564976 , -77.244751 |
Pine Meadows | 45.885160 , -77.250160 |
Pine Ridge | 45.856940 , -77.203890 |
Pleasant Valley | 45.790010 , -76.845660 |
Pleasant View | 45.812650 , -77.073230 |
Point Alexander | 46.132500 , -77.551940 |
Quadeville | 45.313710 , -77.379498 |
Queens Line | 45.627940 , -76.765550 |
Race Horse Camp | 45.916250 , -77.472630 |
Rankin | 45.686940 , -77.100280 |
Renfrew | 45.473888 , -76.679181 |
Rochefort | 45.497390 , -77.405160 |
Rocher Fendu | 45.750860 , -76.795990 |
Rockingham | 45.404700 , -77.476790 |
Rolphton | 46.173230 , -77.693510 |
Rosebank | 45.523330 , -76.790280 |
Round Lake Centre | 45.658327 , -77.564978 |
Ruby | 45.531670 , -77.327780 |
Ruby Mine | 45.192780 , -77.370560 |
Sandy Beach | 45.445950 , -76.364110 |
Schutt | 45.246670 , -77.461390 |
Scotch Bush | 45.431110 , -76.959720 |
Shady Nook | 45.760130 , -77.108680 |
Shields Crossing | 45.670830 , -76.931390 |
Siberia | 45.464860 , -77.705340 |
Silver Lake | 45.519990 , -77.272610 |
Slabtown | 45.695830 , -77.106110 |
Springtown | 45.349720 , -76.656390 |
Spruce Hedge | 45.332500 , -76.644440 |
Squirrel Depot | 45.866820 , -77.549490 |
Stewart Crossing | 45.950120 , -77.349470 |
Stewart Farm | 45.933420 , -77.366180 |
Stewartville | 45.409590 , -76.501320 |
Stonecliffe | 46.216820 , -77.882820 |
The Glen | 45.747500 , -76.871670 |
Tramore | 45.621070 , -77.460450 |
Vanbrugh | 45.428610 , -77.261390 |
Waba | 45.350350 , -76.459040 |
Westmeath | 45.818661 , -76.890499 |
White Lake | 45.366810 , -76.499400 |
Whitewater Region | 45.714113 , -76.839745 |
Wilno | 45.513504 , -77.560142 |
Wingle | 45.274680 , -77.462070 |
Woermke | 45.397690 , -77.241220 |
Woito | 45.694890 , -77.182110 |
Wolfe | 45.345450 , -77.315220 |
Wolftown | 45.581820 , -76.958690 |
Zadow | 45.543830 , -77.277940 |
Zion Line | 45.673610 , -76.852780 |
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- (**)
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