Muestras de recorte de mapas Simcoe (Ontario)

Muestras de recorte de mapas Simcoe (Ontario)-1

Muestras de recorte de mapas Simcoe (Ontario)-2

Mapa de barrios y pueblos de Simcoe con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de la bandera de Simcoe con efecto de sombra 3D

Mapa de Simcoe con efecto de sombra 3D
Descargar mapa general de Simcoe (formato Geojson) :
Simcoe.geojson (**)
Descargar la matriz poligonal del mapa de Simcoe para "Google Maps" :
Cuadro delimitador para el mapa Simcoe: ( 43.951439093 , -80.293192434 , 44.931384723 , -79.081830503 )
Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con el cuadro de límites del mapa Simcoe
relation["boundary"="administrative"]["admin_level"~"5|6|7"](43.951439093, -80.293192434, 44.931384723, -79.081830503);
out geom;
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Obtener límites de overpass-turbo (OSM) con nombre de lugar (Simcoe)
out geom;
Ejecutar esta consulta en overpass-turbo (¡Haga clic en el botón EJECUTAR en la página abierta!)
Barrios y Pueblos de Simcoe
Barrios y Pueblos | Coordenadas (Latitud, Longitud) |
Achill | 44.016810 , -79.916350 |
Adjala-Tosorontio | 44.113813 , -79.934985 |
Allenwood Beach | 44.573610 , -79.991670 |
Alliston | 44.150110 , -79.866350 |
Angus | 44.321449 , -79.892964 |
Anten Mills | 44.481500 , -79.817220 |
Apto | 44.509440 , -79.803330 |
Ardmore Beach | 44.701200 , -80.005770 |
Ardtrea | 44.686670 , -79.402500 |
Atherley | 44.600110 , -79.366320 |
Athlone | 44.035390 , -79.886910 |
Ballycroy | 43.977130 , -79.872150 |
Ballydown Beach | 44.244720 , -79.533060 |
Barclay | 44.299720 , -79.613330 |
Barrie | 44.368695 , -79.689318 |
Barrillia Park | 44.454610 , -79.495610 |
Bass Lake Park | 44.611560 , -79.481360 |
Batteaux | 44.465560 , -80.173610 |
Baxter | 44.245380 , -79.834470 |
Bayshore Estates | 44.362780 , -79.623330 |
Bayshore Village | 44.550110 , -79.282910 |
Bayview Beach | 44.239720 , -79.532220 |
Baywood Park | 44.516780 , -79.438070 |
Beeton | 44.079880 , -79.781600 |
Bell Ewart | 44.281587 , -79.542045 |
Bethesda | 44.232390 , -79.673040 |
Big Bay Point | 44.400000 , -79.516940 |
Bluewater Beach | 44.625830 , -79.990280 |
Bon Secours Beach | 44.333410 , -79.532930 |
Bond Head | 44.090012 , -79.676086 |
Borden | 44.267435 , -79.914915 |
Bowers Beach | 44.481670 , -80.146940 |
Bradford West Gwillimbury | 44.119783 , -79.616945 |
Brechin Beach | 44.531550 , -79.204060 |
Brechin Point | 44.535690 , -79.208640 |
Buena Vista Park | 44.706340 , -79.385950 |
Burnside | 44.752610 , -79.518710 |
Carley | 44.607060 , -79.635310 |
Carlyon | 44.724270 , -79.497390 |
Carthew Bay | 44.526880 , -79.429030 |
Cashtown Corners | 44.337220 , -80.078890 |
Cedar Harbour | 44.316690 , -79.532670 |
Cedar Point | 44.790789 , -80.122604 |
Cedarmont Beach | 44.541820 , -79.408440 |
Cedarville | 43.996110 , -79.876940 |
Christian Island | 44.816800 , -80.182990 |
Christian Island Indian Reserve No. 30 | 44.846270 , -80.184395 |
Christian Island Indian Reserve No. 30A | 44.810022 , -80.118361 |
Churchill | 44.250110 , -79.582930 |
Clearview | 44.378370 , -80.097962 |
Clearwater Beach | 44.851500 , -79.912480 |
Coldwater | 44.710220 , -79.644634 |
Colgan | 44.027880 , -79.846850 |
Colwell | 44.333410 , -79.782950 |
Concord Point | 44.539170 , -79.210560 |
Connor | 43.985830 , -79.925000 |
Cookstown | 44.189235 , -79.701068 |
Coopers Falls | 44.787220 , -79.233330 |
Coulson's Hill | 44.163440 , -79.576850 |
Cove Beach | 44.747220 , -80.113610 |
Creemore | 44.327040 , -80.107500 |
Creighton | 44.619170 , -79.591670 |
Crossland | 44.533890 , -79.913890 |
Crown Hill | 44.433890 , -79.641940 |
Cumberland Beach | 44.693868 , -79.399079 |
Dalston | 44.481790 , -79.683240 |
Deanlea Beach | 44.615000 , -79.996940 |
Deerhurst | 44.182920 , -79.581210 |
Dunkerron | 44.033410 , -79.666330 |
Duntroon | 44.382520 , -80.233411 |
Duntroon | 44.397550 , -80.194020 |
Eady | 44.653740 , -79.617780 |
East Oro | 44.530700 , -79.496170 |
Ebenezer | 44.689010 , -79.815760 |
Edenvale | 44.450830 , -79.901940 |
Edgar | 44.516810 , -79.616330 |
Egbert | 44.230348 , -79.748924 |
Eight Mile Point | 44.513890 , -79.428060 |
Elliotts Corners | 44.711390 , -79.811940 |
Elmgrove | 44.192780 , -79.820560 |
Elmvale | 44.583400 , -79.866360 |
Essa | 44.258219 , -79.803996 |
Evans Corner | 44.741210 , -79.818560 |
Everett | 44.183410 , -79.949660 |
Fair Valley | 44.648620 , -79.594850 |
Farlain Lake | 44.810690 , -79.961770 |
Fennell | 44.213610 , -79.588890 |
Fergus Hill Estate | 44.577780 , -79.470830 |
Fergusonvale | 44.531390 , -79.818890 |
Fesserton | 44.737780 , -79.676390 |
Floral Park | 44.700110 , -79.332920 |
Forest Harbour | 44.775560 , -79.710830 |
Forest Home | 44.569440 , -79.445280 |
Fountain Beach | 44.593610 , -79.323060 |
Foxmead | 44.691670 , -79.572220 |
Gamebridge Beach | 44.500950 , -79.199400 |
Geneva Park | 44.673890 , -79.363890 |
Georgian Highlands | 44.767300 , -80.128880 |
Georgina Beach | 44.632790 , -79.986220 |
Gibson | 44.604510 , -79.976540 |
Gilchrist | 44.461390 , -79.577780 |
Gilford | 44.228595 , -79.522132 |
Gilford Beach | 44.226390 , -79.530830 |
Glen Huron | 44.346624 , -80.196890 |
Glencairn | 44.299772 , -80.017547 |
Glenrest Beach | 44.566110 , -79.257780 |
Goodfellow Beach | 44.333410 , -79.532930 |
Grays Bay | 44.640830 , -79.355830 |
Grenfell | 44.366940 , -79.796110 |
Guthrie | 44.472500 , -79.549170 |
Hamlet | 44.777820 , -79.399020 |
Hampshire Mills | 44.706940 , -79.460830 |
Harry's Corner | 44.584810 , -79.297710 |
Harvie Settlement | 44.598150 , -79.450910 |
Hawkestone | 44.518051 , -79.466171 |
Hawkestone Beach | 44.489830 , -79.463200 |
Hawkins Corners | 44.726220 , -79.375440 |
Highland Point | 44.792650 , -79.943020 |
Hillsdale | 44.584079 , -79.743232 |
Hobart | 44.623400 , -79.636120 |
Hockley | 44.021810 , -79.968430 |
Holly | 44.328380 , -79.714590 |
Horseshoe Valley | 44.552780 , -79.671940 |
Innisfil | 44.274112 , -79.620418 |
Innisfil Heights | 44.288890 , -79.660280 |
Innisfil Park | 44.322100 , -79.533480 |
Ivy | 44.287920 , -79.774520 |
Jack Lake | 44.461940 , -79.990560 |
Jarratt | 44.595280 , -79.571390 |
Keenansville | 44.044570 , -79.863280 |
Killarney Beach | 44.265000 , -79.543890 |
Lafontaine Beach | 44.742900 , -80.094680 |
Lagoon City | 44.547420 , -79.210400 |
Lakeview Beach | 44.596850 , -79.134300 |
Langman | 44.539050 , -79.966880 |
Laurin | 44.777780 , -80.077500 |
Lefaives Corners | 44.727780 , -79.991110 |
Lefroy | 44.266810 , -79.566330 |
Leigh's Corners | 44.537070 , -79.480520 |
Leonards Beach | 44.339720 , -79.534720 |
Lisle | 44.265793 , -79.979835 |
Little Lake | 44.418060 , -79.669170 |
Longford | 44.674878 , -79.361629 |
Loretto | 44.064276 , -79.896011 |
Lovering | 44.762930 , -79.613500 |
MacDonald Beach | 44.588890 , -79.315280 |
Maple Valley | 44.737900 , -79.469250 |
Maple Valley | 44.270000 , -80.232500 |
Maplegrove | 44.400110 , -79.532930 |
Mara Beach | 44.512500 , -79.198330 |
Marchmont | 44.632000 , -79.510660 |
Mariposa Beach | 44.661810 , -79.351700 |
Martin Farm | 44.545000 , -79.590830 |
Martinville | 44.579310 , -79.699640 |
Martyrs Shrine | 44.737500 , -79.843060 |
McMurchy Settlement | 44.477900 , -80.280780 |
Medonte | 44.711110 , -79.610280 |
Menoke Beach | 44.679860 , -79.391510 |
Mertz's Corner | 44.672910 , -79.849960 |
Midhurst | 44.443800 , -79.731820 |
Midhurst Station | 44.444110 , -79.754340 |
Midland | 44.751740 , -79.886135 |
Midland Point | 44.781860 , -79.877110 |
Minesing | 44.440582 , -79.870176 |
Mitchell Square | 44.513890 , -79.530560 |
Mnjikaning First Nation Indian Reserve No. 32 | 44.685313 , -79.326032 |
Moons Beach | 44.550950 , -79.412220 |
Moonstone | 44.652596 , -79.657573 |
Mount St. Louis | 44.605830 , -79.701390 |
Mount Stephen | 44.746670 , -79.581390 |
Mountain View Beach | 44.646010 , -79.982020 |
Murphy Beach | 44.585830 , -79.313610 |
Nantyr | 44.296390 , -79.573890 |
New Flos | 44.467250 , -79.965130 |
New Gamebridge Beach | 44.505560 , -79.199720 |
New Lowell | 44.364605 , -79.973206 |
New Tecumseth | 44.084211 , -79.777816 |
Nicolston | 44.165000 , -79.818330 |
Northwest Basin | 44.808470 , -79.944490 |
Nottawa | 44.468701 , -80.192041 |
Ogden's Beach | 44.752900 , -79.848560 |
Old Fort | 44.735100 , -79.832960 |
Orillia | 44.602512 , -79.427977 |
Orkney Beach | 44.589890 , -79.333930 |
Oro | 44.518633 , -79.605774 |
Oro Beach | 44.446040 , -79.516430 |
Oro Station | 44.459300 , -79.517670 |
Oro-Medonte | 44.527773 , -79.510149 |
Orr Lake | 44.615000 , -79.791670 |
Parkside Beach | 44.467320 , -79.486250 |
Peekaboo Point | 44.817780 , -79.928890 |
Penetanguishene | 44.792133 , -79.911011 |
Penville | 44.055440 , -79.713020 |
Perkinsfield | 44.690187 , -79.931225 |
Petaguishene Beach | 44.804570 , -79.948910 |
Phelpston | 44.490627 , -79.814128 |
Pinkerton | 44.145830 , -79.653330 |
Point of Mara Beach | 44.519800 , -79.200980 |
Port Mcnicoll | 44.750110 , -79.816360 |
Port Severn | 44.800110 , -79.716350 |
Port Stanton | 44.796260 , -79.406100 |
Prices Corner | 44.621000 , -79.513430 |
Prophet Beach | 44.527220 , -79.201390 |
Rama | 44.717397 , -79.285473 |
Rama Road | 44.650000 , -79.349170 |
Ramara | 44.638765 , -79.230306 |
Ramona | 44.751470 , -79.270650 |
Randolph | 44.759480 , -80.016530 |
Rathburn | 44.650110 , -79.266310 |
Rich Hill | 44.005560 , -79.762500 |
Riverside | 44.687910 , -79.791350 |
Rugby | 44.561250 , -79.500220 |
Sandy Beach | 44.583890 , -79.348890 |
Sandy Cove Acres | 44.353610 , -79.552500 |
Saurin | 44.609060 , -79.886790 |
Sawlog Bay | 44.847836 , -79.917179 |
Schepeler | 44.572310 , -79.239510 |
Schomberg Heights | 44.043330 , -79.709720 |
Severn | 44.758980 , -79.531391 |
Severn Bridge | 44.766810 , -79.332920 |
Severn Falls | 44.874170 , -79.602780 |
Shanty Bay | 44.396872 , -79.543762 |
Shore Acres | 44.231960 , -79.533220 |
Simcoe Beach | 44.300110 , -79.549630 |
Simcoe Lodge | 44.595830 , -79.365560 |
Smithdale | 44.355140 , -80.151070 |
Southview Beach | 44.563470 , -79.261780 |
Southview Cove | 44.559440 , -79.270000 |
Springhurst Beach | 44.475940 , -80.078930 |
Springwater | 44.489977 , -79.828689 |
St. Pauls | 44.347630 , -79.625940 |
Stayner | 44.418330 , -80.095980 |
Stoney Point | 44.266810 , -79.532920 |
Strongville | 44.424000 , -79.927960 |
Stroud | 44.324477 , -79.619657 |
Sunnidale Corners | 44.433890 , -80.010560 |
Sunset Beach | 44.764170 , -79.767780 |
Sylvan Glen Beach | 44.605560 , -79.127220 |
Talbot | 44.508470 , -79.120630 |
Tay | 44.722614 , -79.780211 |
Thompsonville | 44.133330 , -79.837780 |
Thornton | 44.292984 , -79.684867 |
Thunder Beach | 44.760874 , -80.047760 |
Tioga | 44.225280 , -79.967220 |
Toanche | 44.808890 , -79.948890 |
Tottenham | 44.016810 , -79.816340 |
Triple Bay Park | 44.762620 , -79.831510 |
Utopia | 44.318444 , -79.796726 |
Vasey | 44.670000 , -79.757220 |
Victoria Harbour | 44.735710 , -79.769650 |
Vigo | 44.475560 , -79.909170 |
Village of Port Stanton | 44.797570 , -79.410300 |
Vine | 44.313610 , -79.667780 |
Waddington Beach | 44.498610 , -79.451670 |
Warminster | 44.640228 , -79.545631 |
Washago | 44.750110 , -79.332920 |
Waubaushene | 44.750110 , -79.699650 |
Waverley | 44.641670 , -79.822780 |
Wendake Beach | 44.640830 , -79.981110 |
West Essa | 44.182180 , -79.869610 |
Wilson Point | 44.643840 , -79.409010 |
Wyebridge | 44.700100 , -79.882960 |
Wyevale | 44.686413 , -79.928305 |
Wymbolwood Beach | 44.615400 , -79.984127 |
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- (**)
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